Is It Legal To Longboard On The Road

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According to road traffic law, it is legal to longboard on the road. Longboard riders are considered pedestrians, so they are not allowed to ride on the road or cycle path. They are only allowed to ride on the pavement at walking speed.

Is It Legal To Longboard On The Road

Things To Consider Before You Go Riding The Longboard on the Road

Longboarding can be a fun and efficient way to get around town, but before hopping on your board and hitting the road, there are a few important factors to consider. From legalities to safety precautions, here are some things to keep in mind before you go riding your longboard on the road.

1. Familiarize Yourself with Local Laws and Regulations:

It’s essential to be aware of the specific laws and regulations regarding longboarding in your city or town. Some areas have specific ordinances that restrict longboarding on certain public roads or sidewalks. Research your local longboarding ordinances, check if there are any restrictions on riding in bike lanes or pedestrian areas, and always follow traffic laws to ensure your safety and legality.

2. Private Property and Permission:

Respect the rights of property owners and always seek permission before riding on private property. Even if an area seems empty or neglected, it may still be owned by someone who does not want longboarders or skateboarders on their property. Avoid trespassing and potential legal issues by sticking to public roads, designated skate parks, or areas specifically designed for longboarding.

3. Protective Gear is a Must:

Wearing protective gear while longboarding is essential for your safety. Always wear a helmet, as it is required by law in many states for skateboarders and longboarders under the age of 18. Additionally, consider wearing knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards to protect yourself from potential injuries. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so always prioritize safety gear.

4. Curfew Laws and Age Restrictions:

Curfew laws aimed at ensuring the safety of minors may apply to longboarders under the age of 18. Check your city’s curfew laws and be aware of any restrictions regarding riding your longboard during certain hours. If curfew laws are in effect, it’s best to make sure you are off the roads before curfew to avoid any legal issues or conflicts.

5. Be Considerate and Ride Responsibly:

When riding your longboard on the road, always be considerate and mindful of your surroundings. Obey traffic laws, yield to pedestrians, and be aware of your speed and surroundings. Avoid quick maneuvers or reckless operations that may endanger yourself or others. Remember that your behavior and how others perceive it can impact the general perception of longboarders, so ride responsibly and with respect for others.

By considering these factors and following the rules and regulations in your area, you can enjoy your longboarding experience safely and legally. Always prioritize safety, respect the rights of others, and adhere to local laws to ensure a smooth and enjoyable ride.

Longboarding Etiquette

Longboarding etiquette is just as important as following the rules of the road. By observing certain unwritten rules, you can ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for yourself and others. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Alert Others: When approaching pedestrians or slower riders from behind, let them know you’re there by calling out and indicating which side you plan to pass them on. This helps prevent surprises and avoids collisions.
  2. Be Visible: If you’re riding at night, dress in reflective clothing and carry a light to make yourself more visible to drivers and pedestrians. This reduces the risk of accidents due to low visibility.
  3. Assume You’re Invisible: Drivers and pedestrians often fail to notice longboarders, so it’s crucial to ride defensively and assume that others cannot see you. Always be prepared for unexpected obstacles, such as car doors opening or vehicles exiting alleyways.
  4. Watch Out for Pets: Keep a close eye on pets, as their reactions to your presence can be unpredictable. They may become aggressive or obstruct your path, potentially leading to accidents. Stay alert and avoid any confrontations with animals.
  5. Stopping and Walking: If you encounter crowded sidewalks or congested areas, consider stopping and walking with your board. This ensures the safety of pedestrians and minimizes the chances of collisions and injuries.
  6. Avoid Children and the Elderly: When riding near children or the elderly, exercise extra caution and give them a wide berth. Quick maneuvers can be challenging when people are present, and children, in particular, tend to be unpredictable and may unexpectedly cross your path.
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By following these etiquette guidelines, you can promote positive attitudes towards longboarding and create a safer environment for everyone sharing the road or sidewalk. Remember, the more public support longboarders receive, the more freedom they will have as riders.

Tips to Longboard Safely on an Open Road

Longboarding on open roads can be an exhilarating experience, but it’s important to prioritize safety. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while enjoying your longboarding adventures:

1. Stay Alert:

Always remain vigilant and keep your eyes and ears open for oncoming traffic or other longboarders. Avoid using headphones or anything that may limit your ability to hear your surroundings. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.

2. Choose a Spot with Minimal Vehicles:

It’s recommended to find a location with minimal traffic when longboarding on open roads. This reduces the risk of accidents and gives you more space to practice your skills. Remember, the open road is primarily designed for cars, so choosing a less crowded spot is always a safer option.

3. Skate with a Friend:

Whenever possible, skate with a friend. Having someone with you increases safety by providing extra support and assistance in case of any mishaps. Plus, it’s always more fun to skate with a buddy!

4. Designate a Spotter for Blind Turns:

If you’re approaching a blind turn, it’s crucial to have a spotter who can alert you of any oncoming traffic. This helps you navigate the turn safely and avoid potential collisions. Corners can be great spots for practicing slides, so make sure you have a spotter for added safety.

5. Follow Traffic Rules:

One of the most essential tips for longboarding on open roads is to follow traffic rules. Just like any other road user, adhere to stop signs, yield signs, and traffic signals. This ensures your safety and the safety of others around you. Failure to follow traffic rules can lead to accidents and may result in restrictions on longboarding in certain areas.

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By staying alert, choosing the right location, skateboarding with a friend, using a spotter for blind turns, and following traffic rules, you can enjoy your longboarding experience on open roads safely. Keep in mind that each town or city may have its own specific laws regarding longboarding, so it’s essential to check the local regulations before hitting the road. Stay safe and have fun!

Wear Protective Gear While Longboarding: Safety First for an Exciting Ride

Longboarding on open roads can be an exhilarating experience, but it’s important to prioritize safety. To ensure a safe and enjoyable ride, it’s crucial to wear the right protective gear. Here are the essential gears you need to have before hitting the road:

  • Helmet: A properly fitting helmet is a must-have for longboarding. Look for a helmet specifically designed for skateboarding that provides proper protection for the back of your head. Avoid using a bicycle helmet, as it may not offer the same level of protection. If you plan on riding at high speeds or downhill, investing in a full-face helmet is highly recommended for full head protection.
  • Pads: Elbow and knee pads are essential, especially for beginners. Wearing pads can save you from painful scrapes and bruises. Protecting these vulnerable joints will provide peace of mind and help prevent injuries, allowing you to focus on enjoying your ride.
  • Slide Gloves: Slide gloves are a staple for longboarding. They not only provide protection for your hands and fingers but also enable you to execute pre-drifts with confidence. Slide gloves allow you to place your hand down when sliding, preventing palm injuries like scabs and bruises. While some people make their own slide gloves, investing in proper ones will ensure better protection.

It’s now legal to skateboard and longboard along roadways in Kelowna

In a recent move, Kelowna City Council has approved an updated version of the “Master Bike Plan” which allows skateboards, longboards, and scooters to be used on roadways. This decision marks a significant change in the city’s regulations, as previously these modes of transport were prohibited on roads, sidewalks, bike lanes, and multi-purpose paths.

The decision to legalize skateboarding and longboarding on roadways follows a trend of modernization and keeping up with the times. While this move presents new opportunities for riders, it also comes with certain responsibilities. To ensure the safety of riders and others, it is mandatory for bikes, skateboards, scooters, and rollerblades to stay off city sidewalks. Violators may face a fine of $35.

Councillor Luke Stack has raised concerns about the enforcement of helmet laws, highlighting the importance of wearing proper safety gear. With the understanding that an accident involving a skateboarder and a car can have severe consequences, wearing a helmet is crucial.

California Skateboarding Laws:

In California, each city or county has the authority to establish its own rules and regulations regarding skateboarding. However, there are statewide laws that apply across the state. These laws include the following:

  1. Helmet Requirement: All skateboarders under the age of 18 are required to wear a skateboard helmet when riding on any street, bikeway, or public path or trail. Failure to comply with this law may result in a fine of $25.
  2. Safety Gear at Skate Parks: All riders, regardless of age, must wear a helmet, kneepads, and elbow pads when using designated skate parks.
  3. Prohibition on Motorized Skateboards: Motorized skateboards are not allowed on streets, sidewalks, highways, or any path or trail in California.
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In the city of San Francisco, additional laws and restrictions apply. These include:

  • Prohibition in Business Districts: Skateboarding is not allowed on streets or sidewalks in any business district at any time.
  • Nighttime Restriction in Non-Business Districts: In non-business districts, skateboarding is prohibited from 30 minutes after sunset to 30 minutes before sunrise.
  • Prohibition in Public Transit Areas: Skateboarding is not allowed in public transit stations, streetcars, cable cars, motor coaches, trolleys, or any other public transit vehicle.
  • Prohibition in Specific Locations: Skateboarding is prohibited in certain areas unless otherwise permitted. These locations include Yerba Buena Gardens, the Arboretum, the Japanese Tea Garden, Conservatory Valley, South Beach Park, and Rincon Park.

It’s important for skateboarders to be aware of and follow these laws and regulations to ensure their safety and minimize conflicts with pedestrians and motorists.


Can You Longboard Anywhere?

When it comes to longboarding, the rules and regulations can vary depending on where you are. Some areas may have specific laws or regulations against longboarding, while other places may be more lenient and allow it. It is crucial to check the local laws and regulations before deciding to longboard in any given area.

Can Longboards Go On The Road?

Yes, longboards can be ridden on the road. Unlike some other modes of transportation, longboards do not require a designated lane. However, it is important to exercise caution and follow certain rules. Longboard riders should always wear safety gear, such as a helmet and pads, to protect themselves in case of any accidents. Additionally, it is vital for riders to be aware of and comply with the rules regarding longboarding on public roads and sidewalks in their specific area.

Can You Use A Longboard At A Skatepark?

Yes, longboards can be used at skateparks. However, it is essential to remember that each skatepark may have its own set of rules and safety guidelines that need to be followed. Before using a longboard at a skatepark, it is advisable to check with the facility and familiarize yourself with their specific regulations.


While the legality of longboarding on the road may vary depending on where you live, it’s important to prioritize safety and respect for others. Always familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations, wear protective gear, and be considerate of pedestrians and motorists.

Longboarding can be a thrilling and enjoyable activity, so let’s work together to create a harmonious and legal environment for everyone to enjoy the ride!

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