Can You Bring A Longboard On A Plane

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You can bring a longboard on a plane, but it ultimately depends on the specific airline’s rules. The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allows skateboards in carry-on bags, but airlines may have their own size limits. If your longboard can fit under a seat or in a bin, many airlines will allow you to bring it on board.

However, it’s best to check with your airline beforehand to ensure you comply with their rules. Overall, TSA has no restrictions on longboards, but permission from the airline may be required to bring a skateboard in your hand baggage on a plane journey.

Can You Bring A Longboard On A Plane

Domestic vs. International Flights

When it comes to traveling by plane, domestic and international flights come with different rules and regulations. In the United States, domestic flights tend to offer more generous carry-on and checked bag allowances than international flights. This means that you can bring more items with you on a domestic flight as long as they are below the size/weight restrictions.

When it comes to larger items such as a longboard or an extra bag, it’s important to note that the same chances of being able to check in those items still apply around the world – however, you may end up paying extra for those services depending on where you are flying. So make sure you check all of your options before booking your next flight!

Does a Longboard Count as a Carry on or Personal Item?

Traveling with a longboard can be tricky. Depending on the length and width of your board, it may not count as a personal item or a carry-on item. Personal items typically have to fit within 17 inches in length, 10 inches in width, and 9 inches high in order for them to be classified as such – thus most longboards would not fall under this category. The same goes for carry-ons, which usually need to be no more than 22x14x8 inches to qualify.

Though there is some lenience among airlines – some allowing larger items as carry-ons – Southwest Airlines is said to be the most accommodating when it comes to boards that exceed regular size limitations. So if you’re looking at bringing your longboard on a flight soon, Southwest is likely the best option.

Bring A Longboard In Checked Luggage

To bring a longboard on a flight, you will typically need to pack it in checked luggage. Most airlines have a size limit of 62 linear inches for checked baggage. If your longboard fits within this limit, it will be treated like any other checked suitcase, subject to size and weight restrictions and additional fees.

It’s recommended to use a board bag for added protection. Some airlines may consider longboards as sports equipment and have exceptions to their size limits. However, there is always a risk of lost, stolen, or damaged items with checked baggage.

If your longboard is very long and exceeds the size limit, you may need a sporting equipment exemption. Keep in mind that there may be a long wait at the conveyor belts to collect checked luggage. Shipping your longboard to your destination could be a cheaper alternative to paying checked baggage fees.

Helpful Tips When Flying with a Longboard

Flying with a longboard can seem daunting at first, but there are plenty of tips to help make the process smooth and easy. First and foremost, be sure to check your board ahead of time – no matter what level of longboarder you are. That way, you can make sure that your board is counted as part of your carry-on luggage when boarding the plane.

1. Inform The Airline Company At The Time Of Booking

If you plan to take a longboard on a plane, it is important to inform the airline company about it when you book your flight. To do this, call their customer service number and ask if they accept longboards as checked luggage or carry-on.

When describing the board to them, provide specific information about its size, weight, and length so they can better assess whether it fits their restrictions or not. They may even be able to provide advice on how to travel with and manage your board throughout the check-in process and beyond.

In some cases, you may be able to take your sports equipment with you on the plane depending on its size; however, some airlines are known to charge extra for oversized boards due to their size restrictions. Therefore, make sure that you inform the airline of all relevant details before booking your flight.

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2. Protect your longboard from possible damage

When you travel with your longboard, you want to make sure that it arrives at its destination unscathed. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible without proper protection measures. Investing in a bag that is specifically designed for carrying skateboards and longboards can help keep your board secure and safe.

In addition to the bag, covering the deck of your longboard with bubble wrap is an easy and effective way of ensuring extra protection. This is especially important for the more vulnerable areas like the nose and tail which are most prone to scratches, dings, and other damages during transport. Thanks to bubble wrap, your board can arrive unscathed!

3. Get to the airport several hours before your flight

For those looking to travel domestically, it is recommended that you arrive at the airport a minimum of two hours prior to your scheduled flight. International flights will require longer preparation and should plan for arriving three hours before their departure date.

Don’t forget about navigation through all of the conveyor belts and chutes that come with air travel. Your entire suitcase has to make it onto the plane, so allowing extra time for your luggage and ticket to be checked over is highly beneficial. This extra buffer also helps prevent any last-minute delays or issues caused by tardiness.

No matter what kind of trip you are embarking on, always give yourself plenty of time to get through airport security and onto the plane. Arriving several hours in advance will help ensure no post-boarding surprises down the road!

Helpful Tips When Flying with a Longboard - Get to the airport several hours before your flight

4. Decide whether to have it as a carry-on or checked luggage

Deciding whether to bring your longboard as a carry-on or as checked luggage is an important decision. It all comes down to two factors: fees and airline baggage policies.

Each major airline has different guidelines when it comes to size limitations for items that can be stored in the overhead compartment on the plane, and this especially applies to sporting equipment like longboards, so be sure to double-check the rules published on their website beforehand.

In terms of fees, each airline also charges different rates for checked baggage versus carry-ons, so make sure you familiarize yourself with those costs before you go. Their customer hotline is also available if you have any further questions.

5. Know The Right Way To Place Your Board

When taking a plane, it is important to know the right way to place your board, so that everyone has enough space and your longboard travels safely.

To keep your board stable, grip tape down in an overhead bin or under your seat. In addition, make sure that the wheels do not roll away from you during the flight!

However, it is worth noting that most airlines are not responsible for any damage done to your board while being placed onto the plane. If by some chance there were noticeable cracks, snapping, creasing, or dings when you arrive at your destination, be prepared to pay extra money to have it fixed or replaced.

6. Pack Your Longboarding Essentials

When you’re a longboarder, there are some essentials that you should make sure to bring along on a ride. One of the most important is a microfiber towel – they dry quickly, and take up very little room in your backpack.

You’ll also need to make sure to include extra breaking soles and slide pucks instead of packing an extra pair of shoes. For those who are serious about racing, it is important to remember to bring a helmet and longboarding suit for maximum safety.

For any longboard journey, you’ll also need to have a smaller bag within your larger bag where you can store all your dirty wheels in one place. This will help maintain the integrity of the items in your original package and keep them from becoming covered in dirt as well.

Packing Your Longboard for Air Travel

Packing your longboard for air travel can be a tricky process. To ensure that your board arrives at its destination safely and sound, it is important to take the necessary precautions when packing it.

Packing Your Longboard for Air Travel

1. If You Don’t Have A Longboard Travel Bag

If the longboard travel bag just isn’t in the cards for you budget-wise, don’t worry. Experienced longboarders know that there are other ways to safely and securely pack your board, whether you’ll be carrying it on or checking it in. There’s no need to strain your wallet with a fancy longboard travel bag if you don’t absolutely need it!

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The most important thing is that you make sure your board will arrive safe and sound. You can use towels, bubble wrap, or an old sleeping bag or blanket to pad your board and protect it from bumps along the journey. And although it won’t be perfect without a specialized carry case, your board will surely still make it to its destination safe and sound.

2. Make Use Of A Large Suitcase

If you plan on traveling with a lot of luggage, then it’s worth investing in a large suitcase. Not only will this allow you to easily store all of your items, but it will also provide protection for them along the way.

Your clothes and valuables will be kept safe and snug thanks to the padding provided inside the suitcase. This added security is essential for those long journeys when there are plenty of bumps in the road.

So if you’re looking for a way to keep your belongings safe and sound during transit, make sure you take advantage of a large suitcase. It’s well worth the investment!

3. Dismount your board

Dismounting your skateboard before packing it is the easiest and safest way to travel with it. Not only does this make it easier to carry onto the plane, but also makes storage in overhead bins simpler.

In addition, you can easily pack up the hardware of your skateboard separately. This will also reduce any bulk as well as protect it during transit so you don’t have to worry about any possible damages caused by shifting around during flights or baggage handling.

Overall, dismounting your board is the best way to safely take your beloved skateboard with you wherever you go!

4. Pack it in a golf bag

Packing a longboard in a golf bag is an easy, cost-effective way to transport it wherever you need to go. You can get one of these bags for as low as $45, and even better – it’s the perfect container for your other skateboarding accessories such as extra wheels, helmet, knee pads, and gloves.

So if you’re looking for a great way to travel with your longboard without worrying about additional costs or fussing around finding ways to carry all of your items, the golf bag will do the job!

5. Use a kid’s snowboard bag

If you’re looking for a good way to transport your longboard and keep it safe from the elements, then you may want to consider picking up a kid’s snowboard bag. These bags are designed specifically for smaller boards, but they can accommodate many types of longboards as well. And the best part is that they’re surprisingly affordable – you can pick one up for just $35!

So if you need a reliable and affordable bag to transport your longboard, then consider investing in a kid’s snowboard bag. It will keep your board safe and secure while protecting it from dirt, rain, and other elements that could potentially damage it. Plus, at only $35, it’s hard to find a better value than this!

What to Do If Your Board Didn’t Show

If you’ve ever arrived at your destination, checked all the baggage, and found out that your board is nowhere to be seen, then you know how frustrating it can be. So what do you do if your board doesn’t show up?

First and foremost, be prepared to wait. It could be a late flight, or your baggage may never have made it onto the aircraft in the first place. You’ll need to wait for future flights to arrive as well and hope that it will be on one of them. In some cases, airlines will load oversized or oddly shaped items onto subsequent flights – so keep that in mind.

If you’re in a rush, provide the staff member responsible for lost items at the airport with your contact information. Depending on the airline, they may even bring your bag straight to wherever you’re staying for the duration of the trip – though there may be a fee associated with this service. Third-party delivery services may also be used – again carrying an associated cost.

Overall, make sure not to forget to leave contact information so that the transport personnel can get in touch if they find your item – after all, that’s really the only way they’ll be able to reunite you with your belongings!

What to Do If Your Board Didn’t Show

Carrying A Longboard On The Place With A Low-cost Airline

Traveling by low-cost airline with your longboard can be challenging. Many times, you won’t be able to bring it onboard as a carry-on due to the tight packing of flights and the airlines’ desire to charge for any extra services.

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Ryanair’s policy states that skateboards are only accepted as checked items, and Spirit Airlines will also treat longboards as standard checked bags if they fall within their 62” linear range. Fortunately, these airlines usually don’t have a special sports equipment fee for longboards as they do for other items such as surfboards or bicycles.

In general, it’s tougher to get away with carrying a longboard on low-cost airlines than others. Before boarding, if the skateboard is not too big, make sure to take off the trucks and attach it to your backpack when you’re flying with one. You should also be prepared to wrap it up and check it in if necessary.


Can You Bring a Skateboard on a Plane?

The TSA allows skateboards to be brought onto planes as either a carry-on or checked item. However, ultimately it is up to the airline to decide if they will permit skateboards as carry-on luggage.

How Do You Transport A Longboard On A Plane?

Transporting your longboard on an airplane can sometimes be tricky, but it certainly isn’t impossible. Depending on the airline you’re flying with, you have two options: bring it as a carry-on or check it in. Certain airlines permit the checking-in of sports equipment, with a maximum dimension limitation of 62 inches and a weight limit of no more than 50 pounds. However, like with regular checked bags, you might have to pay an additional fee if you choose to check your longboard. It’s important to be aware of these charges ahead of time in order to avoid unwanted surprises when you arrive at the airport!

Can I Bring My Longboard To A Skatepark?

Bringing a longboard to a skatepark is possible but should be done at your own risk. Skateparks are for those with skateboards rather than longboards. Longboard enthusiasts still bring it despite inconveniences. Many flight attendants help in storing the board on board the plane.

Can You Bring A Longboard On Southwest Airlines?

Southwest allows you to bring a longboard as a carry-on or checked bag. They also allow you to store the board in front of you as a personal item without it being in a bag or covered, provided it fits under the seat and that the wheels are up to prevent it from rolling.

Can You Bring A Longboard On Spirit Airlines?

Spirit Airlines allows you to bring non-motorized and non-battery operated skateboards as either a carry-on or personal item, but they must be within the airline’s stated size restrictions and securely stowed with the wheels facing up.

Can You Bring A Longboard On United Airlines?

United flights do not accept surfboards, wakeboards, paddleboards, and board bags that weigh more than 99.9 pounds (45.3 kilograms) or measure more than 115 linear inches (292 centimeters). Furthermore, they will not be held responsible for any damages caused.

Can You Bring A Longboard On American Airlines?

American Airlines usually allows you to bring your longboard as a carry-on, even though the maximum weight and size for checking in a longboard is 50lb and 62 inches. Charges may be applied depending on the number of bags you have.

Can I Take My Longboard On A Delta Flight?

If you’re wondering whether you can take your longboard on a Delta flight, the answer is yes. Delta allows longboards both as checked baggage and carry-on baggage. This is great news for longboarding enthusiasts who want to explore new skate spots while on vacation or traveling for other reasons.

Can I Take My Longboard On Alaska Airlines?

Travelers can check sporting gear as baggage if each item is packed in a hard or soft case, specifically designed for that type of equipment.

Can I Take My Longboard On a Jetblue Airlines Flight?

JetBlue allows skateboards as carry-on items if they are under 22″ or can be checked in, provided that the size limits are met. However, should you choose to check it in, it would only be accepted as a “conditionally checked” item at the airport.


Overall, bringing a longboard on a plane can be done safely, but it’s important to make sure that you know the specific rules and regulations for airlines before attempting to do so. As long as you take the necessary precautions and plan ahead, flying with your board will be an enjoyable experience.

With the right preparation and understanding of airline rules, taking your longboard along with you will be worth it!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.