How To Stand On A Skateboard For Beginners: 10 Simple Steps

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Standing on a skateboard properly is the key to having a successful and safe ride. Here are some tips for standing on your skateboard correctly:

  1. Position yourself and your skateboard.
  2. Choose the stance.
  3. Feet in the 90-degree position.
  4. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
  5. Bend your knees slightly.
  6. Balance yourself on the board by making slight adjustments.
  7. Avoid the tail and nose of the board.
  8. Look forward.
  9. Use your hands to adjust the air balance.
  10. Choose Comfortable Shoes.
How To Stand On A Skateboard

1. Position yourself and your skateboard

Start by standing tall, with confidence, and facing in the direction you want to go. Place your skateboard at your feet, pointed in the same direction as your head and body so that you can easily move forward.

To reduce falls and injuries, try to find soft terrain when possible. The more cushioning you have beneath you, the less it’ll hurt if you spill off the board. When done correctly, positioning yourself and your skateboard can help improve performance and safety on the streets or even in the bowl!

2. Choose the stance

When it comes to skateboarding, picking the right stance is essential for ensuring your comfort and success. People generally choose between two different stances: regular and goofy.

If you opt for the regular stance, you’ll position your left foot in front of the board just behind its front wheels while your right foot will act as your pushing and rolling foot.

With the goofy stance, your right foot goes at the front of the board while your left foot is used to push.

If you’re unsure which stance is best for you, try both out to determine what feels most comfortable when performing basic tasks like pushing, getting on, and rolling or sliding. Whichever way you go, make sure that feet are secure in their respective positions for a smooth ride!

3. Feet in the 90-degree position

Getting your feet in the 90-degree position is an essential step toward mastering your rolling technique. Once you’ve chosen your stance, use a strong, swift push with your right foot to get the board moving.

Then, hop slightly and land with both feet parallel to the front and back bolts on the board – just like in the image provided.

By doing this, you’ll increase balance and provide the necessary support for making sure that your rolling is safe.

4. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart

When it comes to keeping your feet shoulder-width apart on a skateboard, proper posture is key. Start by positioning both feet in the direction of your shoulders while making sure your body weight is evenly distributed. This will allow you to gain enough balance and control while standing on the board.

You should also make sure that your legs are adjusted accordingly so that your head remains upright and in a comfortable position. By doing this, you’ll be able to ensure that you stay properly aligned and in a stable position throughout the whole process.

5. Bend your knees slightly

Bend your knees slightly whenever you move your body. Doing this creates a center of gravity that is within your hips, which makes it easier to stay balanced and avoids putting too much pressure on the upper part of your body.

It’s important to not become rigid when trying to maintain good posture; instead, let yourself relax as much as possible while still making sure that you don’t sink or crouch too deeply. Holding a lower position can help keep you better centered and create enough stability while in motion.

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By making sure to bend the knees just enough, will be able to move more freely and comfortably while improving both your posture and overall balance!

6. Balance yourself on the board by making slight adjustments

Staying balanced on your skateboard is all about making tiny adjustments. We’re talking about the smallest shifts in your ankles, hips, knees, and feet—basically, anything that might affect your balance while you’re riding.

A slight tilt of the board or a gentle pump with your legs can make a big difference in maintaining equilibrium, as can letting your hands move around a bit too. Remember: practice makes perfect!

Also, try to avoid swaying backward or forwards too much when shifting your weight. This could lead to an unexpected fall or even cause you to go overboard! It’s helpful to think of balancing on a skateboard like keeping yourself level on a rocking boat—you’ll want to keep both feet light for best results.

With patience and some practice, you’ll soon master the art of balancing on the board!

7. Avoid the tail and nose of the board.

If you’re new to skateboarding, it’s important to avoid the slanted edge of the board – commonly referred to as the “Nose” or “Tail” – until you become more experienced. Unnecessary extra weight on these parts of the board could lead to an increase in accidental falls and injuries, especially if you’re not a pro.

Skateboard professionals may use the tail and nose for stunts and other tricks, but beginners should keep both feet placed over the center bolt on the board as this will help them keep their balance and avoid drifting from one side to another. When you’re ready, you can start testing out different techniques in this area when you’ve become more comfortable with your board.

8. Look forward

Keeping your gaze forward is a great way to stay in control while on a skateboard. Looking straight ahead helps you keep your posture upright and focused on what’s ahead of you rather than the distractions around you, avoiding falls or wobbles.

It’s important to be mindful of the environment around you when skateboarding, but it’s equally important to focus on where you are going and maintain a good balance by looking forward. This will help make sure that any tricks that require a steady footing still have one! Having a stable foundation will give confidence and will help improve overall performance too.

So if you’re feeling a bit wobbly on your board or want improved precision with tricks, remember to keep your eyes looking forward. Don’t just stare at the ground – it’ll only cause more accidents!

9. Use your hands to adjust the air balance

A great way to practice this skill is by standing on a smooth or gripping surface, like grass. When standing on the board in this environment, will give you a better sense of how to use your hands to adjust the pressure on each side.

This will help tremendously when riding in trickier conditions – such as uneven pavement – where using your hands control how the air affects your balance.

Doing so, not only will it make controlling your balance smoother, but also safer since you will be more aware of how air movement affects your ride and stability. So go ahead and practice using your hands to guide yourself through the process of balancing while skateboarding!

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10. Choose Comfortable Shoes

When skateboarding, choosing the right shoes is imperative for your safety. Comfortable and well-fitted shoes are a must for maintaining balance on your skateboard. Loose shoes can easily cause you to lose control or shift your feet within the shoe, which not only can be dangerous but also uncomfortable.

If you’re just starting out with skateboarding, finding the right pair of shoes may seem like a high priority. With this in mind, emphasis is highly recommended to ensure that they fit your feet perfectly as well as provide comfort during practice sessions/skateboarding trips.

Ultimately, if you’re going to get serious about skateboarding, investing in comfortable and fitted shoes will be extremely beneficial for both your physical and mental health when it comes time to hit the streets.

Why is it important to properly stand on a skateboard?

Knowing how to properly stand on a skateboard is essential for any skater, no matter their experience. Improper stance leaves you out of balance and can make it very difficult to perform tricks or stay safe while skating. Having the right stance gives you control and improves your chances of nailing your tricks perfectly every time.

Finding the right stance also helps improve safety while skating. With an incorrect stance, you risk slipping off your board and potentially injuring yourself. The best way to find what works for you is to try different stances – until you find the one that fits like a glove! With the proper stance set, you’ll be well on your way to mastering skateboarding in no time!

Beginner skateboard foot position

For beginners, learning the proper skateboard foot position is key to finding balance and stability on the board. When you first start, it’s best to place your feet shoulder-width apart, directly in the middle of the deck. Bend your knees and hips slightly, and make sure to keep your back straight.

From this starting position, you can begin to experiment with different foot placements that best suit you and help find the balance point of your board. This can be done by shifting your weight around until a comfortable and stable stance is found.

Beginners need to practice safety when skating with the correct foot positions to stay safe and have fun on their journey of learning how to skate.

How to stand on a skateboard without falling?

Before attempting to stand on a skateboard without falling, it is essential to consider safety first. Wearing the correct protective gear such as a helmet is highly recommended and make sure the skateboard you’re using is in good condition.

Always stay away from busy streets and areas with crowds as these could prove to be dangerous in case of any ill-timed spills. Avoid attempting any tricks that exceed your current skill level, as doing so may result in a bad fall and potentially serious injury.

By following the above precautionary steps, one can have fun skateboarding without worrying about potential hazards or falling off.

How to stand on a skateboard right-handed?

Standing on a skateboard with your right foot forward might seem intimidating, but it’s not as difficult as you think. To get started, simply find a flat surface and place your right foot in the middle of the skateboard.

Securely put your left foot under the board and use your right to make sure that it won’t slide away while you set up.

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When you’re ready, apply pressure on your right foot and carefully lift your left one off the ground. You should be able to balance for more than a few seconds in no time – just keep at it!

Once you’ve got a feel for how to stand on the board whilst facing forwards, give yourself some freedom of movement: try bending your knees or even take a small jump – practice makes perfect!

Which way do you stand on a skateboard?

When it comes down to which stance to use for skateboarding, it comes down to personal preference. Though there are two primary stances: regular foot, with your left foot forward; or goofy foot, with your right foot forward.

Street skateboarders usually favor the regular foot stance since it provides them with greater control while pushing off curbs, riding down steps, and more. Whereas bowl and vert skaters seem to opt for the goofy foot because they need that added power when attempting big airs.

At the end of the day, the only way to find out what’s best for you is by trying each stance first-hand until you can find the one that feels comfortable. There’s no right or wrong way here, so break free and give both a go!


What is the proper stance for standing on a skateboard?

The two primary stances are regular and goofy. In a regular stance, your left foot is forward on the board while pushing with your right foot. Goofy is the opposite, with your right foot forward and left foot pushing. Determine your stance by standing on a surface and seeing which foot feels more comfortable in the forward position.

How wide should my feet be apart when standing on a skateboard?

Generally, your feet should be about shoulder-width apart or slightly wider for stability. Experiment with different widths to find what feels most comfortable and balanced for you.

Should my toes or heels hang off the skateboard’s edges when standing?

Neither. Ideally, your entire foot should be positioned on the deck, ensuring that your toes and heels don’t hang off the edges. This provides better control and stability while riding.

Where should I place my weight when standing on a skateboard?

Distribute your weight evenly between both feet to maintain balance. Keep your knees slightly bent, allowing for better absorption of bumps or irregularities in the terrain.

How do I position my body for balance while standing on a skateboard?

Keep your body centered over the board, aligning your shoulders with the deck and facing forward. Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and control.

Are there different stances for cruising versus performing tricks on a skateboard?

Yes. When cruising or riding casually, you’ll generally stand with a relaxed stance, keeping your weight centered. For tricks, your stance might vary depending on the trick you’re attempting, requiring adjustments in foot placement and body positioning.

In Summary

Standing on a skateboard can be intimidating at first. But by taking it slow and learning the correct pose, you will be able to conquer this challenge and continue on your journey of mastering skateboarding tricks!

Follow the tips in this article and don’t forget to wear protective gear when trying out new moves. With enough practice and dedication, you’ll be conquering those kickflips in no time—good luck!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.