Can Skateboards Get Wet? Skateboards Safety Tips and Advice

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Skateboards can get wet, but it’s important to consider how they get wet. Riding a skateboard in the rain or leaving it out in the rain can cause damage to the deck, which is usually made of wood. When wood gets wet, it can become soft and deform, affecting the skateboard’s performance.

The bearings can also lose their lubrication and the bolts can rust when the skateboard gets wet. This can result in slower movement and weakened bearings. Additionally, the grip tape may start to peel off the deck if it gets wet too frequently. However, skateboard wheels, made of synthetic hard rubber, are not affected by water.

Can Skateboards Get Wet

Is It Bad To Get Your Skateboard Wet?

A straightforward answer is that getting your skateboard wet is not advisable. While the water itself won’t harm your board, the wetness can cause the bearings and wheels to become damaged, making it more difficult and even dangerous to ride. Not only that but getting your skateboard wet can also rust the metal parts, resulting in decreased performance and difficulty riding.

For these reasons, it is always best to avoid getting your skateboard wet as much as possible. If you do find yourself in a situation where your board gets wet, be sure to dry it off immediately to avoid any damage or other complications from occurring due to water exposure.

Is It Ok To Get Your Skateboard Wet?

Although skateboards are not waterproof, in most cases it is ok to take your skateboard with you when it’s wet. However, if you live in a humid climate or the weather is going to be unpredictable (think thunderstorms), it’s best to take extra precautions.

A great way to protect your skateboard from getting wet is by picking up a protective case. Another option is drying your board off after each use using either a towel or hairdryer. This will help keep your board in good condition for years to come, regardless of whether you get your skateboard wet.

Can You Skateboard On Wet Roads?

If you’ve ever asked yourself ‘can I skateboard on wet roads?’ the answer is – with caution. Skateboarding on a wet road, or even in the rain, does come with risks that could damage your board and body over time.

For starters, wet roads have a high chance of resulting in loss of control and the potential for hydroplaning. The moisture from the road can also soak into your board and hardware, potentially damaging them permanently. That’s why it’s recommended to avoid skateboarding in wet conditions – but if you do want to skate during rain or on a wet surface, make sure to use an old or cheap skateboard that you don’t mind getting damaged.

Wheel slipping is much more common when it’s wet so choose a spot with coarse concrete if possible. It’s also easier to skate flat ground than trying a half-pipe or bowl because there is an increased risk of slipping and injuries when skating those. So when considering skateboarding on a wet road, it’s better to be safe than sorry – but ultimately it’s up to your own judgment as an individual skater!

What Happens if Your Skateboard Gets Wet?

It’s no fun when your skateboard gets wet. Not only can this make it difficult to control, but it can also lead to rust and other damage. That’s why it’s important to act fast if your board ever does get wet.

Saltwater is especially dangerous for skateboards, as it can cause immense damage if left for too long so be extra careful around pools or the ocean. It’s best not to ride a wet skateboard, as this can worsen existing damage and make controlling the board difficult.

Fortunately, taking good care of your skateboard by avoiding getting it wet and properly drying it off afterward will help extend its life and keep you skating safely. Investing time in looking after your board is worth it to ensure that you make the most out of its lifespan!

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How Do You Test A Board For Waterproofness?

If you’re wondering how to test a board for waterproofness, there’s a simple process. First, put your board in a bowl of water and see if it starts to rain. If you observe that the board is letting out droplets, then it’s likely that your board is waterproof.

But if your board isn’t leaking a single drop, you can test its waterproofness by actually skating on the surface while in water. If the wood feels like it’s squishing or absorbs liquid easily, then it probably isn’t waterproof.

To ensure complete assurance of using your board underwater or near moisture, always consult with experts or go through product guidelines as per brand availability.

How To Know If Your Skateboard Is Waterlogged?

If you’re wondering if your skateboard is waterlogged, here are some signs to look out for. First, you might notice that the deck has a damp feeling when you touch it.

Then, drop your board onto concrete – if you hear a dull sound rather than the usual dead pop, then it’s likely that your board is waterlogged.

Finally, ride and perform tricks like ollies – if it feels heavier than usual or if the pop isn’t as loud as before, then these could be signs of a water-logged board.

Ultimately, you should be able to tell by sound and performance whether your skateboard has become waterlogged. So listen out for any unusual noises and pay attention to how the board rides before concluding whether your skateboard is affected.

1. The Grip Tape May Become Peel And Slippery

When you’re skateboarding, having your grip tape become peel and slippery is not your idea of good fun. When wet, grip tape may begin to lose its adhesive properties. This can be a major safety hazard since wet grip tape provides less traction than dry grip tape.

Additionally, if the grip tape gets wet and begins to peel away, it allows water to penetrate the deck which needs fixing as soon as possible. You may need to replace the grip tape if this happens or else replace the entire skateboard depending on how damaged it is.

To prevent the grip tape from becoming peeling and slippery, store your skateboard indoors or in a dry place so that it doesn’t get wet. Regularly check if any part of the pedal needs replacing or repairing too because you don’t want to risk getting injured from an unsecured board!

2. You Will Ruin The Bearings

You need to be careful with your bearings because if you don’t, it’s likely you’ll ruin them! Even though they have an outer shield, bearings are not waterproof and even a small amount of exposure to water or rain can cause them to corrode and rust.

If neglected, the inner housing and ball bearings will degrade quickly, so regular maintenance is essential. If you lubricate them with the right oil on a regular basis, you can get a whole year’s worth of use from a good pair of bearings.

The grease inside the bearings also breaks down over time which can cause the bearings to deteriorate from the inside out. Fortunately, it’s easy to clean your bearings, and doing so is an excellent way of making sure that they don’t suffer in quality.

3. The Trucks Might Be Fine, But Other Parts May Rust

Trucks are reliable and can put up with a lot of punishment. Most of the time, they aren’t something to worry about too much. But, it’s important to remember that they may rust if they get exposed to too much water. This is especially true for parts like the kingpin, nut, washers, axles, and hangar – all of which could suffer damage if not kept dry.

That’s why it’s a good idea to dry your trucks after a ride in wet conditions; even though they’re tough, you still want to take steps to ensure their longevity. Fortunately, it’s easy enough to do: first, disassemble the trucks into individual components, then give them each a thorough dry before putting everything back together again and mounting them on your board.

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What To Do If And When Your Skateboard Gets Wet

It’s inevitable that your skateboard will get wet, be it from puddles, rain, or even your own damp shoes. If this happens, you have to take action right away. To begin with, all wet parts of the board should be taken off. Not doing so can cause corrosion, ruining the parts and making them unusable.

1. Remove Your Bearings, And Clean And Dry Them

When it comes to skateboard maintenance, one of the most important steps is to remove your bearings, and clean and dry them. This is essential in keeping your skates running smooth and preventing rusting or seizing of the bearings.

To remove your bearings, you’ll need a screwdriver. Once you have them out, it’s time for cleaning and drying them. You can use nail polish remover, let them air dry on a paper towel, and then lube the wheels with Bones Speed Cream. When they’re all good and dry, put them back in their respective spots on the wheels.

It’s also important to make sure that your wheels are completely dry before putting the bearings back in or else they may oxidize from the inside out which will result in a squeaking noise as a warning sign that something might be wrong. Don’t forget to do this maintenance step as it will benefit both you and your skates!

2. Take Off Your Trucks And Dry Them

When skateboarding, taking off your trucks and drying them is an important step in ensuring your gear stays in top shape. Start by removing the kingpin nut and disassembling the trucks completely.

This can help remove excess dirt and moisture so that your trucks don’t become corroded or stuck. Once everything is taken apart, grab a towel and dry all surfaces of your trucks, as well as any hardware used to attach them to your board. Taking the time to do this will help keep your wheels turning longer!

3. Dry The Skateboard Deck

When it comes to taking care of your skateboard, one of the most important things is to make sure it’s dry – especially if you take it out in the rain or water. This is because moisture can damage the wood, causing it to warp and crack over time.

The best way to dry your skateboard deck is to first get as much water off of the surface as possible with a towel, making sure that no more liquid is left on the board. Then use either a hairdryer set on cool mode or direct sunlight to dry out any remaining moisture.

Both methods are effective and should prevent the wood from absorbing too much water and damaging your board. With just a little extra effort you can ensure that your skateboard stays in tip-top shape!

How Do You Prevent Your Boards From Getting Wet?

If you’re interested in protecting your boards from water damage, there are a few key steps you can take. The first is to use a waterproofing spray on your boards. This will provide an additional layer of protection that will keep them dry and safe from the elements.

Another option is to apply a water-resistant board sealant. This will create an extra layer of protection that not only helps repel water but also seals in protective oils and other natural products found on your boards. Not only will this help protect your boards from water damage, but it could also help extend their life by preventing cracking or chipping over time!

How To Fix A Waterlogged Skateboard?

Unfortunately, once your skateboard is waterlogged there’s no way to fix it. The wood fibers of your board will expand when they come in contact with water, causing the glue between its layers to break down. This means that not only will your board lose its ability to pop as it used to before, but it will also be more fragile and subject to warping and other shape changes.

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The best course of action when you find out that your board is waterlogged is to save up some money and get a new one. Alternatively, you could keep the old one around just for riding on rainy days.

In any case, make sure to be extra cautious and careful going forward in order to avoid having this problem ever again. Once the damage is done there’s nothing you can do about it!

What Are Some Tips For Waterproofing Your Boards?

If you’re looking to keep your skateboard safe from water damage, the best way to do that is with waterproofing. It’s important to make sure that your board is properly sealed, and there are a few tips for protecting your deck and wheels as well.

First, make sure that all of the seams on your board are sealed correctly so that water can’t leak in and damage it. This will help ensure that the water doesn’t get inside the board and cause any harm.

Second, apply a protective coat to both your deck and wheels which will not only provide extra protection against moisture but also add extra grip to give you some added control while riding.

Finally, if you plan on playing in wetter conditions or expect to be exposed to lots of moisture, consider investing in specialty waterproofing treatments specifically designed for boards. These treatments will provide an even stronger layer of protection against water damage.


Is Cold Bad for a Skateboard?

The answer is generally not, but there are some circumstances where extremely cold temperatures could be harmful. The materials used in a skateboard such as wood and metal are surprisingly resilient to cold temperatures and won’t become damaged or cracked as other materials such as concrete might. This means your board should remain in good condition even if exposed to the elements. That being said, extreme cold could still cause mechanical stress which could lead to damage over time – so unless you plan on storing your board outside in extremely low temperatures, it’s probably best to bring it inside where it stays safe and warm!

Is It Better To Skate During Winter Or Summer?

While summer is seen as the ideal season for this extreme sport, winter can be surprisingly enjoyable too! Summer is definitely the busiest season for skaters; however, it can also become quite hot and uncomfortable. In contrast to that, skating in the winter provides cooler temperatures while still allowing you to get outside and shred. Plus, those cooler temperatures mean your skateboard won’t get wet due to rain or snow which again prevents any slippery accidents. Ultimately, the choice between skating in summer or winter comes down to personal preference. Both seasons have their own pros and cons so consider your location and skill level when making your decision.

How To Avoid Getting My Skateboard Wet?

First and foremost: Try your best to avoid puddles. If possible, also refrain from skateboarding in heavy rain. When you’re done riding, take a moment to thoroughly dry off your board – using a dry towel or even better, a hairdryer – as leaving it wet will leave it useless. Another option is investing in a plastic Penny board with large, soft wheels – the worst that could hassle those are the bearings! Above all, be mindful of safety when out skateboarding, and always make sure you don’t put yourself in any unnecessary danger!


It’s never a good idea to take your skateboard out in the rain or near bodies of water. While some people have had success riding their boards in wet conditions, overall they are more susceptible to damage when wet, and that can cost a lot of money in repairs and replacements. If you want your board to last, make sure it stays dry.

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.