Pregnancy & Roller Skating – You MUST Know Before Trying It

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If you’re pregnant, you may want to stay away from activities such as ice skating and rollerblading. That’s because these potentially high-impact sports increase your risk of falling and/or hitting your baby bump. This could bring on contractions or cause a placental abruption, which can be dangerous for both mother and baby.

It’s wise to avoid these sports during pregnancy, even if you are experienced in them. If you still have the urge to get outside and enjoy the winter season during your pregnancy, consider lower-impact activities such as cross-country skiing or snowshoeing instead.

Also, do not forget to bring snacks and water with you when going for a longer activity session. Pregnant women are at risk of drops in their blood glucose levels during exercise, so make sure to snack on healthy food throughout your activity session. With all that being said, trust your instincts and seek medical advice if ever in doubt.

Pregnancy & Roller Skating

Roller Skating Risks When Pregnant

The following are potential dangers associated with roller skating when pregnant:

1. Falling/being pushed

When roller skating, you’re always at risk of falling. In a crowded rink, it’s even plausible that you could get pushed by another skater, resulting in a hard fall. During pregnancy, this is especially dangerous as your center of gravity has shifted due to the extra 10-15 pounds you’re carrying.

A fall or hard bump may result in fetal injury or premature labor, due to the separation of the placenta from the baby.

To reduce this risk while skating during pregnancy, be sure to stay aware of your surroundings and be sure not to overexert yourself with any spinning or jumping moves.

2. Trauma

When it comes to roller skating during pregnancy, one of the major risks is trauma. Trauma is incredibly dangerous during pregnancy and can even be deadly in some cases. According to Mayo Clinic, it can affect as much as 7% of pregnancies, leading to both fetal and maternal death.

The biggest risk of trauma in pregnancy comes from situations where the placenta can be sheared away from the uterine wall when a woman falls or gets pushed by another roller skater.

For pregnant women in their third trimester, all this could mean possible death for both mother and child, so it’s important to stay away from risky activities like roller skating.

3. Muscle Pain and Fatigue

Roller skating is an aerobic activity that relies heavily on the core, glutes, hamstrings, and other muscles to generate the energy needed to get around. After a roller skating session, you can expect your muscles to start to feel fatigued and pain due to anaerobic respiration – a process where lactic acid builds up in the muscles and causes them to hurt.

This muscle pain and fatigue can be further intensified for pregnant women because of their bodies going through significant changes that may make it even harder for them to roller skate with so much energy-requiring activity.

While roller skating is always a risk, pregnant women should take extra caution and monitor their physical condition closely.

4. Losing balance

When you’re pregnant, balance is even more important than usual. Hormones like prolactin are loosening up your joints, meaning you may be a bit off-balance when walking or doing any activity that involves coordination.

This situation is even worse for roller skating, which demands perfectly balanced movement for proper maneuvering and form.

A pregnant woman who skates may find that the motion, due to their compromised physical state, puts them at an increased risk of losing control or slipping and falling.

That’s why it’s so important for pregnant women who want to roller skate to take extra precautions in order to increase safety and reduce the risk of injury while skating.

5. High Impact Activities

Roller skating, while it might seem like a great way to stay fit and active during pregnancy – can be a high-risk activity when done in moderation. Since rollerblading is considered to be a high-impact exercise, it can cause stress on your body if you’re having a high risk pregnancy.

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Having this puts you at a higher danger of having miscarriages, preterm labor, and other delivery risks. Therefore, it’s best to avoid this type of exercise if you’re pregnant or just want to be extra safe.

Low impact sports such as walking or swimming are much safer activities for expectant mothers – so those would be better exercise options.

Do You Still Want To Skate? Consult With Your Doctor

If you’re an avid skater, there are definitely important questions to ask before hopping on your board. Pregnancy is often a time when careful decisions must be made when it comes to physical activity, and getting advice from your doctor is the best way to ensure that you can still skate safely during this time.

Your doctor can provide essential counsel regarding what activities would be appropriate while pregnant, taking into account your medical history and any special risks or concerns that might arise from strenuous exercise.

With their experienced advice, you can confidently continue to enjoy regular activities like skateboarding in a way that preserves the wellbeing of both yourself and your baby.

How Long After Giving Birth Can I Return to Roller Skating?

When it comes to returning to the sport of roller skating after giving birth, many people recommend waiting at least 9 months, but there is no scientific evidence to back such a prolonged time period. In reality, women can often safely return to skating in as little as 6-8 weeks following their recovery.

Of course, for women who have had a difficult birth and now have stitches on their bodies, it’s important to be extra cautious and listen to your own body when considering when you’re ready to go back. Roller Skating with open or damaged stitches could potentially lead to bacterial infection or—in extreme cases—serious injury.

For those who want to be back on the rink sooner than later, there are steps you can take during your post-birth recovery period that may help speed up the process. However, make sure you don’t rush into anything before consulting with a physician first, and always prioritize your own health and well-being.

How Do You Stay Safe Rollerblading While Pregnant?

Rollerblading is a popular activity among pregnant women, but it comes with its own risks. If you choose to rollerblade while expecting, be sure to take necessary safety precautions.

1. Wear Protective Safety Gear

When rollerblading while pregnant, safety should always be your top priority. Wearing protective safety gear is key to staying safe while enjoying this activity.

You should always wear a helmet and protective gear such as wrist guards, elbow pads, and knee pads. Not wearing the right protective gear can increase your risk of injury if you fall or experience trauma.

Safety gear was designed to absorb some of the shocks from any falls you may have, decreasing the impact that could potentially have on your baby. So make sure to get yourself equipped with all the necessary safety gear and stay safe out there!

2. Clear Any Obstacles

When rollerblading while pregnant, it’s very important to make sure that any potential obstacles are clear of your path. Not only can these pose a danger to any other skater, but for those who are pregnant, they can be especially dangerous!

It is best to take the time to clear out any obstacles from your path ahead of time, or otherwise watch out for them and steer clear of them while skating.

Making sure that you have a safe and clear road ahead is just one way to make sure that your rollerblading experience remains as safe as possible while you’re pregnant!

3. Pace Yourself

If you have the urge to rollerblade while pregnant, it pays to take your time and pace yourself. Don’t let anyone rush you while skating. Take as many breaks as needed during your session and only rollerblade when you feel confident in your ability.

It’s important to remember not to push yourself too hard, as this can be dangerous for both you and your baby. If at any point you start feeling overwhelmed, stop skating and come back into the rink when you’re sure that you can enjoy it without difficulty. Therefore, always make sure to listen to your body and don’t overdo it!

Pregnancy & Roller Skating (3)

4. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is incredibly important to stay safe while rollerblading during pregnancy. Not only does it keep you cool, but it also ensures that your body gets the fluids it needs to form amniotic fluid, produce blood volume, build new tissue and flush out toxins for a healthy baby.

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You should be sure to drink at least 2.3 liters of water every day when pregnant, or even more if you’re exercising–like rollerblading!

This will help ensure that your body has enough hydration for both you and your growing baby. So don’t forget to stay hydrated while rollerblading–for both your and your baby’s safety!

5. Listen To Your Body

When it comes to staying safe while rollerblading while pregnant, the most important piece of advice is to listen to your body. No one knows your body better than you.

As your pregnancy progresses, you may find that the activities that were once easy for you now become challenging or uncomfortable — this is perfectly normal!

Despite not affecting your stability, some rollerbladers have found that the speed of their activity can affect their coordination and balance.

Make sure to pay attention and take things slowly as needed. If anything doesn’t feel right or good, it’s important to stop skating until you’re feeling better. Your safety comes first!

6. Wear Loose Clothing

As a pregnant woman, you need to make sure you wear loose-fitting and breathable clothing when rollerblading. This is important to ensure that your body temperature doesn’t go too high while working up a sweat. Loose-fitting clothes will help keep your body cool and allow your skin to breathe.

In addition, choosing comfortable clothes over tight ones is generally better for pregnant women as it allows for more room for the baby bump and more flexibility in movement.

Therefore, buying maternity clothing with these features in mind is an ideal choice for any pregnant woman wanting to stay safe while rollerblading!

7. Have Supervision

If you want to stay safe while rollerblading while pregnant, having supervision nearby can be really helpful. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, so having a friend or family member with you when you go rollerblading is highly recommended.

Having someone come with you on your skateboard ride is ideal for safety, just in case of an emergency or to alert you to any issues that may arise. Skating should never be done alone; always have a friend or family member join you!

9. Wear the right gear

While pregnancy doesn’t require any special roller skating gear, it is important to wear comfortable, supportive clothing and shoes. Pregnant women may also want to consider wearing a pregnancy support belt, which can help take some of the strain off of their back and stomach.

10. Be careful

When you’re rollerblading while pregnant, caution is of the utmost importance. As a seasoned skater, you may have more experience than others, but pregnancy can make it easier to lose your balance and fall.

Exercise caution while skating to reduce the likelihood of falling. In the event of a fall, attempt to land on your side or back in order to shield your abdomen from injury.

Additionally, it’s important to listen to what your body is saying. Being pregnant can take a toll on both your physical and mental state, so if you start feeling tired or dizzy from rollerblading then don’t hesitate to take a break.

And if you ever experience any pregnancy-related complications such as bleeding or cramping, be sure to consult with your doctor before continuing activity.

How To Choose The Right Roller Skates For Pregnant Women

Choosing the right roller skates for pregnant women is important in order to ensure maximum comfort, safety, and ease of use. When selecting a pair of skates for this purpose, you want to make sure that there is sufficient padding on the liners and insoles for added comfort, as well as brakes that work properly. Additionally, the skates should be neither too tight nor too loose.

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You also want to make sure that the laces and straps are easy to use, making it simple to put them on and take them off again. Finally, make sure you are selecting skates made from durable materials so they can withstand extended wear during pregnancy.

By following these tips when choosing roller skates for pregnant women, you can ensure maximum safety and comfort when skating!

Accessories For Pregnant Women Who Roller Skate

Roller skating can be a fun activity for pregnant women– as long as they have the right accessories to keep them safe and comfortable.

A pregnancy belt is an essential accessory since it will help to support their growing belly while they skate. It’ll also help keep their belly from bouncing around too much, which could cause discomfort or even injury.

Naturally, a helmet is also necessary to protect both mother and baby in case of falls. Padded shorts are another great accessory to consider– since they’ll prevent bruising and other injuries if you take a tumble while on your skates.

In other words, these accessories are worth checking out if safety and comfort are important to you!

Tips For Looking After Yourself When Pregnant And Roller Skating

Skating on roller skates while pregnant requires you to be mindful of your body. Falls are dangerous and can lead to serious injuries, so always wear protective gear such as a helmet, pads, and gloves.

  • You should also be aware of your changing center of gravity as your pregnancy progresses, as this can affect your balance when roller skating.
  • Make sure you practice in an open space that allows for adjusting to the new center of gravity.
  • It is also essential to listen to your body when roller skating during pregnancy.
  • Your body’s going through many changes which can make you feel tired or dizzy; if this is the case then make sure you take a break and drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods for nourishment.
  • Roller skating while pregnant is possible but requires extra care. Ensure you heed your body’s needs and stop for rests as needed for your safety.


Are there specific safety precautions for pregnant women who want to skate?

Pregnant women considering roller skating should prioritize safety by wearing appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards. Skating on smooth, even surfaces with minimal traffic and avoiding crowded areas can reduce the risk of accidents.

What signs indicate that I should stop roller skating during pregnancy?

Any signs of discomfort, dizziness, shortness of breath, vaginal bleeding, contractions, or abdominal pain should be taken seriously. If experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to stop roller skating immediately and seek medical advice.

Can roller skating help in maintaining fitness during pregnancy?

Engaging in low-impact exercises, including roller skating, can contribute to maintaining fitness during pregnancy. However, moderation and caution are crucial. It’s important to listen to your body and not overexert yourself. Other pregnancy-safe exercises might be recommended by a healthcare provider.

Are there alternative activities similar to roller skating that are safer during pregnancy?

Yes, there are various low-impact exercises that pregnant women can consider, such as walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, stationary cycling, and modified aerobics. These activities often provide fitness benefits with reduced risks of falls or injuries compared to roller skating.


Roller skating while pregnant is safe, as long as you take the proper precautions. Be aware of your body so that you do not over exert yourself and always use the appropriate safety gear for support. Physical activity is low-impact and can bring many benefits to your overall wellbeing during your pregnancy.

So if roller skating is a hobby of yours, don’t be afraid to get out there and enjoy it!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.