Can You Skateboard Barefoot? Risks & Safety Tips

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Barefoot skateboarding is possible and even has a special board designed with that purpose in mind. But before you try it out, there are some things you should consider – if you’re a beginner, it’s especially dangerous to skateboard without shoes as you can easily break your toes.

Some experienced skaters find that certain styles of skating can be enjoyed more when done barefoot, but it still depends on the location from which one skates. Skateboarders also enjoy being able to practice and explore new tricks without feeling restricted by the rules of conventional skateboarding – after all, skateboarding can be a lot of fun!

If you want to give barefoot skateboarding a try, make sure you first master the basics so that safety won’t be an issue. That way, you’ll be able to enjoy all benefits of this alternative style!

Can You Skateboard Barefoot

Features of Barefoot Cruisers

Barefoot cruisers are a type of skateboard that has been specially designed to be easy and comfortable to use with bare feet. They have three main features that make them ideal for riding without footwear: a foam stamp pad, a super lightweight design, and built-in shock absorbers.

The foam stamp pad is EVA foam, just like surfboards, which provides riders with serious comfort while skating. It also improves board control due to the improved grip of the board.

The light weight of these boards makes them incredibly easy to lift and maneuver with your bare feet, making skating even more enjoyable and fun.

Finally, shock absorbers help protect riders from any shock or impact when shredding this way, so you don’t have to worry about any discomfort from the vibrations as you ride. With features like these, it’s no wonder more people are opting for barefoot cruisers!

Is It Safe to Skateboard Barefoot

The short answer is yes, it is safe to skateboard barefoot. However, it is important to understand the risks in order to stay safe while enjoying this activity. Skateboarding without shoes can increase your risk of injury because of the lack of padding and grip on the board.

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Shoes provide shock absorption for your feet, as well as traction for stability on the board. If you choose to skateboard without wearing shoes, be sure to start slowly and use caution at all times.

Additionally, check your equipment frequently for any signs of wear and tear that could lead to an increased likelihood of falls or injuries.

Disadvantages of Skateboarding Barefoot

Skateboarding barefoot has its disadvantages. This is because your feet are prone to blisters and sweaty, which can both limit your performance.

1. May Cause Blisters

Skateboarding without shoes can cause blisters, which is one of its main drawbacks. The rubbing and friction can cause discomfort in your feet and even bring about blisters. This, in turn, becomes a limiting factor, making it difficult to skate comfortably and smoothly.

2. Causes Sweat on the Skates

Another disadvantage of skating barefoot is sweat on the skates. With no shoes on your feet, there is a higher chance that you will sweat more and this can enter into the skates and make them smell unpleasant. To prevent this awful smell from occurring, regular drying of your skates in a drying rack is necessary.

Does Barefoot Skateboarding Damage Feet

Does barefoot skateboarding damaged feet? The answer is yes. Skateboarding, regardless of whether you wear shoes or not, can cause significant damage to your feet due to the strenuous and forceful motions involved in regular riding.

This can lead to tendonitis in the knees, ankles, and feet which is a direct result of the pressure placed on your feet when skateboarding.

Therefore, if you are considering skating barefoot then it’s important to understand that doing so can put additional strain on your lower extremities, leading to further pain and injuries if not properly taken care of.

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How Do I Decrease Feet Damage While Skateboarding

Skateboarding barefoot can be enjoyable and free, but not necessarily the safest option. There are ways to decrease foot damage while skateboarding and protect your feet from scrapes, bruises, and other injuries.

One way is by adding padding to the areas that cause irritation when skateboarding barefoot. Padding can help reduce discomfort and provide a layer of protection between the board and your feet.

Another way to reduce foot damage while skateboarding is to keep your feet dry by using talcum or sock powder. This will absorb sweat and moisture so your feet don’t slip off the board as easily.

Skateboard Tricks Done Barefoot

Skateboarding barefoot is definitely possible and totally worth it! There are a number of fantastic skateboard tricks that experienced riders enjoy doing without wearing shoes, from Switch heel flips to Boneless.

For the fearless skaters who love taking risks and feeling truly liberated, some of the best barefoot skateboard tricks are The Full Contest Run, Manual Trick Fuckery, Fly Out Fence Ride, Back Noseblunt Stall, Boneless, BS 50-50, BS Big Spin to Boardslide, Gonz Gap Ollie, and for those who can pull off all the others first – The Barefoot Line.

Going shoeless really brings out a different degree of excitement in skateboarding which only brave skaters can truly experience. It’s no wonder why more people are now opting to do their skateboard tricks without footwear!

Should You Skateboarding Barefoot

Skateboarding barefoot is not for everyone, but it definitely has its benefits. Compared to skating with socks, the extra grip you gain from skating barefoot can make all the difference in your skateboarding performance.

With bare feet, you won’t experience any slippery slides within your boots, giving you a heightened level of control. This means that when it comes to your stops and edge work, you will have an improved chance at successful grinds and landings.

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Ultimately, what matters in whether or not you should be skating without shoes will come down to personal preference. As long as you are aware that there is risk associated with skateboarding without shoes and take safety precautions seriously, there’s no reason why you can’t give barefoot skateboarding a try!


Can you skateboard with socks?

Yes, you can skateboard with socks, but it is not advised. Socks can make it more challenging to remain on your board and may provoke blisters. If you opt to skateboard with socks, be sure they are snug and agreeable.

Why do skaters wear flat shoes?

Skaters need shoes with flat soles to have better control of their boards.

Do flat feet affect skateboarding?

Skateboarders with flat feet are more prone to injury due to weak foot posture. As the arch of the foot flattens and touches the ground, it causes unnatural movements which can amplify potential harm.


In conclusion, skateboarding barefoot can be a great way to connect with the board and learn tricks, but it is not without its risks. While it may seem like a fun way to show off your skills or take on an extra challenge, make sure you properly measure these rewards against any potential risks before your next skate session!

Always keep in mind that safety should come first, so don’t forget to wear your helmet and pads whenever you go out skating — no matter if you’re in shoes or barefoot. Be smart and have fun!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.