How to Stand on a Longboard: A Beginner’s Guide

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In longboarding, there are two main stances: regular and goofy. In a regular stance, your right foot is positioned at the back of the board and your left foot is in front. In a goofy stance, it’s the opposite, with your left foot at the back and your right foot in front. Choose the stance that feels most comfortable for you and practice maintaining your balance while standing on the longboard.

How To Stand On A Longboard

What Is The Correct Way To Stand On A Longboard?

The correct way to stand on a longboard is crucial for balance, control, and ultimately, enjoying your ride. It involves properly positioning your body, specifically your feet, to optimize maneuverability and stability.

There are different types of stances that may depend on the riding style and specific techniques you want to execute. To determine your stance, take into consideration the direction of your shoulders and hips, the level of knee bending, and how you lean your torso. These factors will help you find the most comfortable and effective stance for your desired riding techniques.

One common stance is the regular stance, where your left foot is forward and your right foot is at the back. This is suitable for riders with a dominant left foot. On the other hand, the goofy stance is when your right foot is forward, and your left foot is at the back, suitable for those with a dominant right foot.

Why It’s Important to Learn How To Sand on A Longboard?

Learning how to stand on a longboard is an essential skill that can greatly improve your longboarding experience. It helps to enhance your balance, stability, and control while riding. By having the proper stance, you can increase your speed while maintaining stability, making it easier to go faster without losing control.

Standing on a longboard also allows you to turn more efficiently. By positioning your body weight and aligning your feet, you can make smoother and more effective turns, giving you better maneuverability. This is especially important when navigating around obstacles such as small rocks and sticks.

Which Foot Goes First On A Longboard?

When getting on a longboard, it’s important to determine which foot goes first to ensure stability and control. There are two types of stances to consider: the regular stance and the goofy stance. In the regular stance, your left foot is forward towards the direction you’re going. This is suitable for riders with a dominant left foot. On the other hand, in the goofy stance, your right foot is forward on the longboard. This stance is suitable for those with a dominant right foot.

Choosing the correct stance is crucial because your dominant foot, also known as the pivot foot, plays a significant role in steering and controlling the longboard. It is the foot that goes in the back of the longboard, allowing for precise riding direction. By understanding your footedness or natural dominance, you can determine the appropriate foot placement for a more stable and enjoyable longboard ride.

How to find your stance

When it comes to finding your stance on a longboard, there are a couple of methods you can try. One approach is to test your foot dominance by moving or kicking something with both feet. Whichever foot feels more comfortable and natural might be the best one to place on the back of your longboard. Another method is to have someone give you a slight shove from behind. The foot you use to catch yourself and maintain balance is likely your dominant one.

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It’s important to note that these methods may not be foolproof, but they can certainly help you get started. If you’re still unsure about your foot dominance, you can try both the goofy stance (right foot forward) and the regular stance (left foot forward). Experiment with each stance and go with the one that feels most comfortable and balanced for you.

Other longboard stances you can learn

Once you’ve mastered the basic stance on a longboard, there are several other stances you can learn to enhance your riding style and technique. These stances can help you improve your balance, control, and maneuverability on the board, allowing you to explore different tricks and riding styles. Here are some other longboard stances you can explore:

Cruising longboard stance

Cruising on a longboard is a great way to enjoy a relaxed ride at a slow to moderate speed. To achieve the cruising stance, follow these simple steps:

  1. Position your feet slightly wider than your shoulders’ width, ensuring that your feet have an equal distance from the front and back trucks of the board.
  2. When cruising, bend your knees slightly to gain balance. This will also absorb any bumps or cracks you may encounter along the way.
  3. Rotate your body slightly forward, facing the direction you’re riding. This will help improve your stability and control while cruising.
  4. It’s important to keep your torso in a neutral position, avoiding leaning backward. This will help maintain a stable and comfortable riding stance.
  5. Remember to adjust your body position as needed. When going over bumps or cracks, you can lean forward or bend your knees for added balance and security.

By adopting the cruising stance, you’ll be able to enjoy a more relaxed and comfortable longboarding experience, allowing you to explore your surroundings with ease. Keep in mind that wearing appropriate safety gear such as knee pads and wrist guards is always recommended for a safer ride.

Pushing the board stance

The pushing the board stance is a technique where your dominant foot is used to push, while your front foot is responsible for steering and balancing on the longboard. Some riders may prefer the reverse technique, where the front foot does the pushing. It is important to try both techniques and choose the one that feels most comfortable for you.

To perform the pushing the board stance, focus on your back foot for pushing. Squat down on your front leg and bend the knee that you use to push for more power and control. Keep your shoulders and hips facing straight forward towards the direction you are riding in. To complete the stance, lean your torso forward to follow the motion of the longboard.

Foot breaking stance

To perform the foot braking stance on a longboard, you need to focus on your front leg for balance and control. Start by squatting down slightly, allowing your back foot to lower closer to the ground. Your back foot should be parallel to your standing foot, pointing towards the longboard’s nose.

To foot brake, brush your back foot against the ground to create friction and slow down the board. Be sure to lift your toes slightly to avoid any obstacles or cracks in the road. By applying pressure to the ground with your back foot, you can effectively slow down and control your speed.

Maintain a relaxed and comfortable position with your body facing forward. Keep your upper body aligned with your hips and shoulders facing straight ahead. This will help you maintain stability and balance while foot braking.

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Carving longboard stance

Carving is a popular technique in longboarding that allows riders to make smooth turns and navigate corners with ease. To achieve the carving longboard stance, follow these steps:

  1. Shift your weight: Constantly shift your weight between your toes and heels as you ride. This helps to maintain balance and control over your board.
  2. Foot positioning: Place your front and back foot perpendicular across the board. This positioning allows for better control and stability while carving.
  3. Flex and straighten your knees: Before and after each turn or carve, flex and straighten your knees. This helps to lower your center of gravity and focus your weight on the carve, enhancing your stability and control.
  4. Rotate your upper body: To initiate the carve, rotate your ankles, hips, shoulders, and head in the direction you want to turn. As you progress, continuously rotate your upper body in the direction of the curve you’re targeting. This rotational movement helps to generate momentum and maintain balance throughout the carve.
  5. Lean forward: While carving, lean forward in your successive turns to secure your balance. This forward lean helps to distribute your weight evenly and prevents any chance of losing control.

Remember, the key to mastering the carving stance is practice and finding the right balance between your body positioning and weight distribution. Stay safe by wearing appropriate safety gear such as knee pads and wrist guards, especially when attempting more technical carving maneuvers. Happy carving!

Speed stance (tuck)

Speed stance, also known as the “tuck,” is a key technique in longboarding that maximizes stability and reduces wind resistance when riding at high speeds. To achieve this stance, follow these steps:

  1. Positioning your feet: Place your front foot at a 15-30 degree angle to the deck, near the front truck mount. Your back foot should be parallel to the front foot, also at a slight angle to the longboard deck.
  2. Placement of left foot: Position your left foot about one foot behind your front foot, with your toes close to the board edge. This allows for easier front side turning.
  3. Flex your knees: Bend your knees at approximately 90 degrees. This low stance helps to lower your center of gravity and maintain stability.
  4. Distribute weight on the front leg: Shift most of your body weight onto your front leg. This helps to maintain balance and control while riding at high speeds.
  5. Position your back knee: Lean your back knee against your front calf. This adds stability and support to your stance.
  6. Rotate your hips and shoulders: Turn your hips and shoulders fully towards the nose of the board, facing downhill. This rotational movement improves stability and aids in maintaining control.
  7. Lean forward: Bend your torso forward, almost horizontally with your chest leaning against your front thigh. This aerodynamic position reduces wind resistance and enhances stability.
  8. Tuck your arms behind your back: Tuck your arms behind your back while maintaining a relaxed body position. This reduces drag and helps to maintain balance as you ride at high speeds.

By following these steps, you can achieve the speed stance (or tuck) and enjoy a smoother, more controlled ride when longboarding at fast speeds.

How Do You Practice Balance on A Longboard?

When it comes to practicing balance on a longboard, there are a few key steps to keep in mind. First and foremost, make sure to distribute your weight evenly between your front and back foot. This will help you maintain stability and control while riding.

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Additionally, it’s important to bend your knees slightly and keep your center of gravity low. This will provide a solid base and make it easier to react to changes in terrain or speed.

Another important tip is to focus your gaze ahead, rather than fixating on your feet. By looking at the horizon, you can improve your balance and stay centered on the board.

Consistent practice is also essential for improving balance on a longboard. The more time you spend riding, the better your muscle memory and reflexes will become. So, make it a habit to get out on your board regularly and build your skills over time.

How Do You Stop on A Longboard?

Stopping on a longboard can be achieved through foot braking or carving. Foot braking is the most common method, done by dragging your back foot on the ground to gradually slow down.

It is important to avoid locking your knees or losing balance while foot braking. Carving, on the other hand, involves sharp turns from side to side, causing the wheels to scrape against the ground and slow down. This technique requires practice, but once mastered, it can be a stylish and enjoyable way to stop.

Whether you choose foot braking or carving, remember to prioritize safety and avoid sudden movements that may lead to accidents or falls. With consistent practice, you will become more comfortable and skilled in stopping on your longboard.


Are Longboards Good for Beginners?

Yes, longboards are a great option for beginners. They offer a smoother ride compared to regular skateboards and are easier to balance on. It is recommended to start with a longboard that is around 9-10 inches wide, as it provides ample space to stand and move around on the board, making balancing much easier.

Is Longboarding Good Exercise?

The answer to this question varies from person to person. Some individuals may find longboarding to be a great form of exercise, while others may not find it as strenuous as they had hoped. Ultimately, it depends on how you choose to ride your longboard and the intensity of your movements.

Why Do Feet Hurt After Longboarding?

When you first start learning how to longboard, it is common for your feet and calves to experience discomfort. This is because they are not accustomed to the new motion and positioning required for longboarding. With time and practice, your muscles will strengthen, and the discomfort should diminish.

How Long Does It Take to Learn How to Ride a Longboard?

Learning how to ride and stand on a longboard takes time, especially if you have never done it before. Most individuals take around four weeks to feel comfortable riding and standing on a longboard. Regular practice is key to mastering the basics within this timeframe. However, becoming an expert at longboarding takes much longer and requires continuous dedication and experience.


Learning how to stand on a longboard is the first step to a world of exhilarating adventures. Whether you’re cruising along the beach or carving through the streets, the feeling of gliding on a longboard is unmatched. So grab your board, find your balance, and let the good times roll!

Remember, it may take a few tumbles, but with practice and perseverance, you’ll be riding like a pro in no time. Get out there and embrace the freedom and thrill that comes with standing on a longboard!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.