How to Store a Longboard: Tips and Tricks for Proper Storage

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Are you tired of tripping over your longboard every time you walk into your garage? Or maybe you’re worried about your prized possession getting damaged by the elements. Well, fear not! I’m here to help you learn how to properly store your longboard and keep it in great condition.

Longboards are not only a mode of transportation but also a form of self-expression. Whether you use it for cruising or downhill racing, your longboard deserves a safe and organized storage space. By following a few simple steps, you can ensure that your longboard remains in top-notch shape and ready for your next adventure.

In this article, I will guide you through the process of storing your longboard, from finding the right location to choosing the best storage solution. So, let’s dive in and make sure your longboard stays protected and ready for action!

How to Store a Longboard

Where should I store my board?

When it comes to storing your Longboard or longboard, it’s important to consider a few key factors to ensure its longevity. Firstly, it’s best to keep your board indoors, preferably inside your house, to protect it from the elements. Avoid storing it in a shed or garage if possible.

It’s crucial to keep your board away from any heat sources, such as radiators, as extreme temperature changes can cause warping. Likewise, direct sunlight can heat up the board and potentially fade the graphic, so it’s recommended to avoid storing it in direct sunshine, whether indoors or next to a window.

How to Store Longboards in a Garage

To properly store your Longboards in a garage, follow these simple steps. First, ensure that you have a designated space where your boards can be stored safely. Avoid leaving them on the ground as this can lead to them being stepped on or damaged. Instead, find a cabinet or closet to store them in. Make sure this area is dry and does not get too hot, as extreme temperatures can warp the boards.

To store a single Longboard, consider using a garage hook, wall hanger straps, or a guitar hanger. These options are affordable and easy to install, taking just a few minutes of your time. By mounting your board on the wall, it stays out of the way and is protected from dirt and moisture.

If you have multiple Longboards, investing in a Longboard rack may be a good option. While there are many different racks available on the market, they can often be overpriced. However, with a bit of DIY effort and the right materials, you can create your own Longboard rack and save money.

How to store your Longboards in a closet

To store your Longboards in a closet, there are a few important considerations. Firstly, ensure that the closet is not excessively dry or wet. If your closet has centralized air conditioning with vents, it should provide suitable conditions for storage. Choose a space in the closet that allows easy access to your Longboard without any obstacles.

It’s crucial to keep your Longboard separate from your clean clothes to avoid any dirt or debris transfer. If you have a storage closet for tools and equipment, that can also be a suitable option. Regularly clean the closet to prevent excessive dust from entering your Longboard’s bearings.

To avoid any sticky or dirty buildup within the closet, make sure your Longboard’s bearings are not over-lubricated. Excessive dryness or moisture in the closet can lead to rust, particularly affecting the hardware such as nuts and bolts. This can become problematic when you need to disassemble or swap parts of your Longboard.

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How To Store Your Longboards On Racks

To properly store your Longboards, it is recommended to use Longboard racks. Instead of keeping them in a closet, opt for an open area or an enclosed space with racks specifically designed for Longboards.

There are various Longboard racks available online that can accommodate multiple Longboards and even helmets. These racks are easy to set up and don’t require any power tools for assembly. One option is a multi-longboard rack that can hold three Longboards and a helmet. Another option is a rack that can fit up to six Longboards, cruisers, and longboards.

When selecting the location for your Longboard rack, choose a warm area in your house such as your bedroom or living room. Avoid storing the racks in cold places like the garage during winter, as freezing temperatures can cause the bearings to freeze and the hardware to rust.

Hanging your Longboards on the wall

One of the best ways to store your Longboard when it’s not in use is by hanging it on the wall. Not only does this keep your board out of the way, but it also adds a stylish element to your room decor. Plus, it makes it incredibly easy to grab your Longboard and head out for a ride whenever you feel like it.

There are different options available for hanging your Longboard on the wall, depending on whether you want to display just the deck or the fully set-up Longboard. If you want to showcase the graphics of your Longboard deck, a Longboard hanger specifically designed for decks is a great choice. These hangers come with the necessary tools for installation, making it a hassle-free process.

For a fully assembled Longboard, there are hangers that can securely hold your Longboard on the wall. These hangers are easy to install and come with drywall anchors and screws for mounting on any surface. If you have wooden walls, you only need a Phillips screwdriver, whereas concrete walls may require drilling a hole first.

Why You Should Properly Store Your Longboard

Properly storing your Longboard is essential to keep it in good condition and prolong its lifespan. Longboards are not cheap, and taking care of your equipment can save you money in the long run.

There are several reasons why storage is important for your Longboard. First, if your trucks get wet, they can start to oxidize. This can cause them to rust and deteriorate, affecting their performance and durability.

Exposing your bushings to direct sunlight for extended periods of time can cause them to dry up and lose their elasticity. This can impact your Longboard’s maneuverability and overall performance.

Wet bearings are another issue that can arise from improper storage. When bearings get wet, they can stop spinning smoothly, resulting in decreased speed and efficiency. Cleaning wet bearings may not fully resolve the problem, and you might need to replace them sooner than expected.

Waterlogged decks are also a concern when it comes to Longboard storage. When a deck gets wet, it can become waterlogged and lose its pop and snap. This can make it difficult to perform tricks and diminish the overall experience while riding.

Long-term Longboard storage

Long-term Longboard storage is crucial to maintaining the condition and performance of your Longboard, especially when you won’t be riding it for an extended period of time. Here are some key steps to store your longboard properly:

  • Clean and dry: Before storing your Longboard, make sure it is clean and completely dry. Use a soft cloth to wipe off any dirt or debris, and let it air dry thoroughly.
  • Protect from moisture: Moisture is the main culprit behind rust, deterioration, and water damage. Store your Longboard in a dry and cool environment to prevent moisture buildup. If necessary, use a dehumidifier in your storage area or keep it in a room with controlled humidity.
  • Keep away from direct sunlight: Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can damage the components of your Longboard. Place it in a location away from windows or any direct sunlight source to avoid sun damage, such as drying out bushings and fading artwork.
  • Store in a safe spot: Find a secure spot to store your longboard where it won’t be accidentally knocked over or damaged. Consider using a Longboard rack or wall mount to save floor space and keep it organized.
  • Store flat or vertically: When not in use, you can store your longboard either flat or vertically. Storing it flat can help maintain the shape of the deck while storing it vertically can save space and prevent accidental damage.
  • Regular maintenance: Even during storage, it’s essential to perform regular maintenance. Check the trucks, wheels, and bearings periodically to ensure they are in good condition. Apply lubrication to the bearings if necessary.
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By following these steps, you can ensure that your longboard remains in optimal condition during long-term storage, so it’s ready for a great ride when you’re ready to hit the streets again.

What to do before putting a Longboard in storage for a long time

When preparing to put your Longboard in long-term storage, there are a few important steps to take. First, disassemble the Longboard by removing the trucks, wheels, and bearings. This will help prevent any damage and make it easier to store.

Next, avoid placing heavy objects on top of the deck to prevent warping. It’s crucial to find a storage location that is dry and not prone to moisture or humidity. If possible, store your Longboard in a skate bag or sack to provide an extra layer of protection.

If the air in your storage area is too moist, consider investing in a dehumidifier to keep the environment dry. Conversely, if it’s too dry, a humidifier can help maintain the proper moisture level.

Before storing, make sure to clean your Longboard thoroughly. Remove any excess dirt or debris between the trucks and inside the wheels. Additionally, remove any excess oil from the bearings to prevent them from getting sticky or damaged.

Other good ways of storing Longboards

With the traditional wall hangers mentioned earlier, there are several other clever ways to store your Longboard. Here are some additional options:

  1. Store in a Skate Sack:

If you need to transport your Longboard to the skatepark or want to protect it from rain or sun rays, a skate sack is a great choice. Many skate sacks come with pockets for accessories like skate tools and extra wheels, making it convenient to carry everything in one bag. Some recommended skate sacks available on Amazon include the Adjustable 2-Shoulder Skate Sack and the Skate Sack Oxford.

  1. Use a Skate Bag:

Similar to a skate sack, a skate bag allows you to carry your Longboard with ease. The main difference is that skate bags are typically made from thicker, more insulated materials, providing better long-term protection for your board. However, some skate bags are designed solely for convenience and offer no protection. Examples of skate bags include the Longboard Backpack and the Longboard Bag for Travel.

  1. Store in your Car Trunk:
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Storing your Longboard in the trunk of your car is a convenient way to always have it with you, especially when you come across a new skate spot or park. However, if your car trunk isn’t well-insulated, it’s advisable to store your board in a skate bag or sack inside the trunk for extra protection.

  1. Use a Guitar Hanger:

If you’re unable to find a specific Longboard hanger, you can use a guitar hanger instead. Hang your Longboard trucks on the guitar hanger to keep your board securely stored on the wall.

  1. Try a Skate Parking Block:

A skate parking block rack is a nifty solution that requires no drilling or assembly. Simply place the rack anywhere you like, making it ideal for storing your Longboard in your bedroom or closet without taking up too much space.

By utilizing these alternative storage methods, you can ensure your Longboard stays safe and protected when not in use.


How Should I Store My Longboard To Prevent Damage?

To protect your longboard, store it in a cool and dry area away from direct sunlight, as exposure to intense heat can warp the board. Ideally, store it in a wall rack or a stand-up rack to save floor space and keep it safe from accidental damage.

Can I Store My Longboard Vertically?

Yes, you can store your longboard vertically using a wall rack. Make sure the board is securely mounted and supported by a stable structure. This method saves space and creates a visually appealing display while keeping your longboard safe and accessible.

Is It Better To Store The Longboard Flat Or On Its Side?

Storing a longboard flat is the best option to maintain its shape and prevent warping. If you have limited floor space, a wall rack or stand-up rack can still be used. Just ensure that the board is placed horizontally and supported by a rack with sufficient padding to protect the deck.

Should I Store My Longboard Inside A Bag Or Sleeve?

While not necessary, storing your longboard in a bag or sleeve can provide an extra layer of protection against scratches and minor dings. However, ensure the bag is clean and dry before storing the board to avoid moisture damage.

What Should I Do If I Don’t Have A Suitable Storage Option?

If a dedicated longboard rack is not available, you can opt for alternative solutions such as guitar hangers, wall hooks, or even DIY options using rope and hooks. Just ensure the chosen method provides stable conditions and keeps the board separate from other equipment to prevent unnecessary damage.


Storing your longboard properly is essential for maintaining its longevity and performance. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your board stays in top shape and ready for your next ride.

Remember, a little extra care goes a long way when it comes to preserving your investment. So, go ahead and give your longboard the storage it deserves, and get ready to hit the streets with style and confidence!

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