Is Longboarding Good Exercise? Benefits and Tips for Fitness

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Longboarding is a popular and enjoyable activity that can provide some physical benefits. While it primarily offers a cardio workout, it activates various muscle groups throughout the body. When turning and guiding the board, the core muscles and lower back are engaged. Pushing off to gain speed activates the calf and quad muscles.

It is worth considering that longboarding alone may not be the most efficient way to build muscle if your goal is to target specific muscle groups. A more effective approach would be to focus on those muscle groups in the gym.

Nevertheless, the true merit of longboarding lies in the enjoyment and sense of adventure it offers. Cruising around the city or along country roads provides a unique experience each time, as you encounter different weather, people, and places. It can be a fun way to explore your surroundings and discover new spots. Just ensure to research and choose safe neighborhoods if you live in a dangerous city.

ActivityCalories Burned per Hour

On average, it can burn between 240 and 420 calories per hour, depending on the intensity of your session. This amounts to around 4 to 7 calories per minute. If you ride for an hour every day, you can burn up to 2940 calories per week. While it may not be as calorie-intensive as running or biking, it can still contribute to your overall physical fitness.

Is Longboarding Good Exercise

Can You Lose Weight Longboarding?

Longboarding is a beneficial form of exercise that can help improve fitness and aid in weight loss. When you go longboarding, you are engaging in physical activity that targets various muscle groups, especially your core muscles.

This helps to improve your overall physical health and build strength in your upper and lower body. Longboarding also provides a cardiovascular workout, meaning it gets your heart rate up and promotes better blood flow throughout your body.

In terms of calorie burn, longboarding can help you shed some pounds. Depending on the type of board you ride and the intensity of your session, you can expect to burn between 300 and 400 calories per hour. However, it’s important to note that skateboarding tends to burn more calories than longboarding.

While it’s tempting to view longboarding as a panacea for weight loss, it’s essential to set realistic expectations. Longboarding alone won’t magically melt away excess pounds. To achieve significant weight loss, you need to combine longboarding with a balanced diet and other forms of exercise.

How Many Calories Does Longboarding Burn?

Longboarding is a recreational activity that can help burn calories and promote fitness. Research conducted by Harvard Medical School indicates that individuals weighing between 125 and 185 pounds can burn between 300 and 444 calories per hour while engaging in longboarding. While it may not be as effective as activities such as running or cycling, it still provides a fun and enjoyable way to burn calories.

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Longboarding can burn between 240 and 420 calories per hour, equivalent to approximately 4 to 7 calories per minute. Riding for an hour every day can result in burning between 1680 and 2940 calories per week, which is close to burning 1 pound (0.5 kilograms) of body weight per week.

It’s important to note that beginners may experience muscle soreness initially, which may contribute to increased calorie burn. However, as you develop better balance and technique, the calorie burn may become more efficient. It’s also important to remember that the intensity of your longboarding session will affect the number of calories burned, so the harder you push, the more calories you will burn.

Longboarding Calories Burned Calculator

Longboarding is a versatile and enjoyable activity that offers significant physical and mental health benefits. While it may not burn as many calories as other exercises like running or biking, it provides a great cardiovascular workout and engages various muscles throughout your body.

Based on data from a Harvard study, longboarding has been found to burn an estimated 4 to 7 calories per minute. It is important to note that this value may vary depending on factors such as the intensity of your ride and the route you take. Additionally, your body weight and composition can influence the number of calories burned during a longboarding session.

Although the calorie expenditure may not be as high, the enjoyment and versatility of longboarding make up for it. It engages your leg muscles, core muscles, and even your upper body to some extent. Additionally, it increases your heart rate, improves blood flow, and promotes cardiovascular health.

What Muscles Does Longboarding Work?

Longboarding primarily works the core muscles, calves, and quads. The core muscles are engaged as you lean, push, and guide the board with your body, providing a great workout for your abdominal muscles. Your calves and quads are also targeted as you push off to gain speed and maintain balance. Additionally, your hips and stabilizer muscles are worked the most during a longboarding session.

However, it’s important to note that longboarding is not a complete exercise on its own. While it provides a good cardio and core workout, it does not engage the upper body muscles significantly. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement your longboarding routine with another form of exercise, such as weightlifting, to ensure a balanced workout.

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1. Core Muscles

Longboarding is an excellent form of exercise that engages and strengthens your core muscles. Your core muscles, which include the abdominals and back muscles, are essential for balance and stability. These muscles play a crucial role in maintaining good posture, preventing back, hip, and knee pain, and improving overall physical performance.

When your longboard, you constantly have to squat, lean, and pivot your body to control and guide the longboard. These movements force your core muscles to engage and work to maintain balance and control. Even a short 20-30 minute session of cruising around your neighborhood on a longboard can provide a significant workout for your core.

Strengthening your core muscles is not only beneficial for your physical appearance but also for your overall health and well-being. Strong core muscles help improve your posture, reduce the risk of injuries, and enhance athletic performance in various activities. Additionally, a strong core can contribute to better stability, balance, and coordination.

2. Calves

One of the primary muscle groups that get worked during longboarding is your calves. When you push off the ground to gain forward momentum, especially with your dominant foot, your calf muscles are heavily engaged. This repetitive motion helps to strengthen and ton

3. Quads

Longboarding is a fantastic way to work out and strengthen your quadriceps muscles, which are vital for lower body movement and stability. These muscles, located at the front of your thigh, play a crucial role in activities such as stabilizing yourself on the board, braking, and propelling yourself forward.

By engaging your quads during a longboarding session, you not only improve their strength but also enhance the health of your knees. This is significant not just for longboarding but also for other forms of exercise and even everyday activities like walking.

4. Hamstrings

Longboarding is not only a fun recreational activity but also a great form of exercise that targets various muscle groups in the body. One of the muscle groups that benefit from longboarding is the hamstrings.

The hamstrings are a group of muscles located in the back of the thigh that play a crucial role in movements such as walking, running, and jumping. The muscles are responsible for moving the knee joint and extending the thigh to facilitate movement.

When you engage in longboarding, your hamstrings are actively worked as they help in stabilizing and controlling the leg movements involved in riding the board. This not only strengthens the hamstrings but also improves their flexibility and endurance.

Skateboarding vs Longboarding Workout

Skateboarding and longboarding, while similar in nature, offer slightly different workout experiences. Skateboarding is generally more intense, requiring more balance and pushing, resulting in a higher calorie burn. In fact, an hour of intense skateboarding can burn up to 800 calories, depending on your weight. However, it may not be feasible to skate continuously for an entire hour.

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On the other hand, longboarding is a more endurance-based activity and is considered to be easier and less exhausting compared to skateboarding. It provides a great opportunity for beginners to learn how to ride and enjoy the sport. Additionally, longboarding is generally associated with a lower risk of injuries compared to skateboarding.

Both longboarding and skateboarding offer physical benefits. Longboarding engages the core, calf, and leg muscles, improving overall fitness. Skateboarding involves more intense movements, working the upper body and providing a full-body workout. Both activities raise the heart rate, promoting cardiovascular health and better blood flow.


Can I Longboard if I’m Overweight?

Yes, longboarding can be enjoyed by people of all weights and body types. However, it is important to choose a longboard that can handle your weight. Opt for a longboard with strong, quality components and a sturdy build. Avoid boards that are too flexible, as they can make it harder to learn how to ride and balance properly.

Do Longboards Have a Weight Limit?

Longboards can vary in their weight limits depending on their quality and construction. While some longboards claim to handle up to 250 lbs, it’s essential to choose a longboard that suits your weight and riding style. Flexy boards may be less comfortable and harder to balance on if you are overweight, but you will still be able to ride them.

Is Longboarding a Good Exercise?

Yes, longboarding is an excellent form of exercise that offers various physical and mental health benefits. It’s important to practice proper form and wear appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and knee pads, to avoid injuries while longboarding. Always listen to your body and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your longboarding sessions to build endurance and stamina.

Is Longboarding A Sport?

Yes, longboarding is considered a sport. It involves riding a longer skateboard on various surfaces, performing tricks, and participating in competitions.


If you’re looking for a fun and exhilarating way to stay fit and active, longboarding is the answer! Not only does it provide a full-body workout, but it also allows you to explore the outdoors and challenge yourself in new ways.

So grab your longboard, hit the pavement, and get ready to shred your way to a healthier lifestyle. Remember, life is a journey, so why not make it a thrilling one on a longboard?

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.