Snowboarding vs Longboarding

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Snowboarding and longboarding are both popular recreational activities that involve riding on a board. However, they differ significantly in terms of terrain, technique, and equipment. Snowboarding typically takes place on snow-covered mountains and requires the use of a snowboard, boots, and bindings.

Riders slide down slopes, performing jumps, tricks, and carving turns. On the other hand, longboarding is done on paved surfaces such as roads or skate parks, using a longer and narrower board. It often involves cruising, downhill racing, and sliding. Riders use their body weight and foot placement to navigate turns and control speed.

Snowboarding vs Longboarding

Similarities Between Snowboarding and Longboarding

Snowboarding and longboarding may seem like two completely different sports, but they actually have some surprising similarities. Both activities involve riding on boards, requiring balance, coordination, and a sense of control.

Similar Balance and Coordination

Snowboarding and longboarding require similar balance and coordination skills. Both sports involve maintaining equilibrium on a board while navigating different terrains. Whether you’re carving down a snowy slope or cruising along a concrete road, the basic principles of balance and coordination remain the same.

In both snowboarding and longboarding, you’ll adopt a similar stance and foot position. Placing your dominant foot forward and facing the same direction allows for consistent body alignment and familiarity. This symmetry helps in developing muscle memory and executing tricks more efficiently.

The ability to initiate turns and control the board primarily comes from your legs. By shifting your weight and leaning either heelside or toeside, you can influence the direction and trajectory of the board in both sports. This requires coordinated movements of your lower body and engages core muscles, enhancing stability and control.

Endless Fun

Snowboarding and longboarding offer an endless supply of fun and excitement. These board sports provide a unique experience that is difficult to replicate in other recreational activities. When you can’t hit the slopes for snowboarding, you can easily substitute longboarding, and vice versa, making these activities highly complimentary.

Both snowboarding and longboarding bring about a sense of freedom and exhilaration. They allow you to glide through your surroundings with ease and enjoy the rush of adrenaline. Whether you’re sliding down snowy slopes or carving through concrete roads, the amount of stoke gained from these activities is unparalleled.

In both sports, mastering the art of riding a board brings about a similar sense of satisfaction. The thrill of conquering new terrain, learning new tricks, and progressing in your skills is a common thread that runs through snowboarding and longboarding.

Differences Between Snowboarding and Longboarding

While snowboarding and longboarding share some similarities, there are also significant differences between the two board sports. One key distinction lies in the terrain. Snowboarding takes place on snowy slopes, often in designated ski resorts, while longboarding is typically done on flat surfaces, such as concrete roads or smooth pavement.

Snowboards Have an Edge

Snowboards have a distinct advantage over longboards when it comes to snowboarding: they have an edge. This metal edge provides riders with a means to control themselves on the snow and creates a dynamic experience that sets snowboarding apart from other board sports.

Unlike longboards or skateboards, snowboards come into direct contact with the snowy terrain through their edges. These edges allow riders to carve and make precise turns by leaning in the desired direction. This precise control and contact with the snow provide a unique sensation that cannot be replicated on any other type of board.

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Having an edge on a snowboard can take some getting used to for those who are familiar with longboarding but have never snowboarded before. It requires a different approach to controlling the board and navigating the slopes. On the other hand, individuals who have experience with snowboarding but not longboarding may find it difficult to adjust to not having an edge for control when riding a longboard.

Snowboards Use Bindings

Snowboards are unique among board sports because they utilize bindings. Bindings serve a crucial role in snowboarding by securely attaching your feet to the board. This ensures stability and control while riding down the slopes. Longboards, on the other hand, do not require the use of bindings, meaning your feet are freestanding on top of the board.

The presence of bindings on a snowboard allows for more efficient power transfer, enhancing the rider’s ability to maneuver and control their board. With the added stability provided by bindings, snowboarders can confidently execute intricate turns, jumps, and tricks. Bindings also contribute to the overall safety of the sport, as they keep the rider’s feet firmly in place, reducing the risk of accidents.

Longboarding is More Accessible

Longboarding is a more accessible board sport compared to snowboarding. While snowboarding requires specific equipment and a snowy mountain to ride on, longboarding can be enjoyed with minimal equipment and on any smooth surface. This makes longboarding more affordable and convenient for those who may not have the resources or access to snowboarding.

To get started with longboarding, all you need is a longboard and a flat surface to ride on, such as a neighborhood street or a local skate park. There’s no need to wait for a specific season or travel to a specific location like you would with snowboarding. This accessibility means that longboarding can be enjoyed year-round and in various locations, offering more flexibility and convenience.

Additionally, longboarding is a more cost-effective option compared to snowboarding. Snowboarding requires purchasing specialized equipment such as a snowboard, bindings, boots, and appropriate clothing. On the other hand, longboarding only requires a longboard, which is relatively inexpensive and can be used for various riding styles and terrains.

Which One to Choose First

If you’re trying to decide between longboarding and snowboarding as a beginner, it’s important to consider accessibility and cost-effectiveness. Longboarding is a more cost-effective option, with longboards ranging from $90 to $250, plus an additional $100 for safety gear. Snowboarding, on the other hand, can cost at least $300 for the board alone, not including the additional expenses for boots, clothing, and accessories.

In terms of accessibility, longboarding can be practiced anywhere with a flat surface, such as parking lots and backyards, while snowboarding requires a snow-covered surface, which may not be readily available or accessible to everyone.

Both sports have their own risks and challenges. Longboarding requires more time and dedication to master due to the need for balance and the risk of injuries on concrete surfaces. Snowboarding, on the other hand, is generally considered safer as falls on snowy surfaces are less likely to cause serious harm. However, falling downhill at high speeds can still be dangerous.

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Snowboarding Beginning Phases of Learning

The beginning phases of learning snowboarding involve mastering the basic movements and techniques. This includes sliding down the hill sideways on your heelside edge and toeside edge, known as heelside and toeside slides. These slides are done by leafing back and forth slowly or rotating the board from one edge to the center to the other edge. Connecting these slides through turns and carving is the foundation of snowboarding.

These initial skills are crucial as they lay the groundwork for more advanced techniques like carving, jumps, rails, and halfpipe. Learning these basics allows beginners to navigate slopes and progress in the sport. However, many people find enjoyment in perfecting and repeating these fundamental moves alone, which is a valid expression of snowboarding.

During the beginning phases, it is essential to focus on proper form and technique. As skills progress, riders can explore different types of snowboarding, such as freestyle or freeride. Regardless of the chosen path, a solid understanding of the basics is vital for progression and safety on the slopes.

Longboarding Phases of Learning

Longboarding is a popular board sport that shares some similarities with snowboarding. In the initial phases of learning longboarding, there are a few key skills that beginners need to master.

The first skill is pushing, which involves kicking against the ground with one foot and then placing that foot back on the board until you lose momentum. This is similar to the basic movement of pushing off with one foot in snowboarding.

Next is turning, which is done by leaning forward and back with a little bit of foot movement on the longboard. This is different from snowboarding, which uses different mechanics for turning. In longboarding, turning is mostly about shifting your weight and using foot movement to adjust the direction.

Another important skill is the foot brake. Once you have a basic feel for the board and know how to push, the foot brake is the safest way to come to a stop. It involves dragging one foot on the ground to slow down gradually. It’s important to avoid unsafe methods such as riding into the grass, jumping and running, or slamming the nose of the board into a curb to slow down or stop.

How Longboarding Helps with Snowboarding

Longboarding can actually be a great way to improve your skills in snowboarding. The muscles used in both activities are very similar, particularly in the lower thighs and ankles. When sliding on a longboard, you rely on these muscles to drive the board across the pavement. This strength and technique transfer well to snowboarding, as you need to be able to put your snowboard sideways when turning or stopping. Longboarding helps you develop the necessary muscular strength to support yourself when you need to stop quickly on the slopes.

In addition, longboarding can help with ankle stability in snowboarding. Snowboard boots may not provide the same level of ankle support as longboard shoes. However, by applying the longboard logic of bracing your ankles at a right angle when carving or stopping on the longboard, you can transfer this technique to snowboarding. This helps you maintain stability and prevent slipping out of your boots, especially during toeside carves.

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Transitioning from Snowboarding to Longboarding

Transitioning from snowboarding to longboarding is incredibly easy. Longboarding is like snowboarding without bindings, making the transition seamless. The turning techniques used in both sports are similar, as well as the muscles required to execute them. The mentality needed to try new tricks and progress in both sports is also comparable. Snowboarders have a natural ability to learn quickly, which translates well to longboarding.

The fast-paced and learning-oriented nature of snowboarding prepares individuals for the challenges of longboarding. Snowboarders are accustomed to adapting quickly and applying new skills in a short amount of time, which is essential for success in longboarding.

Furthermore, longboarding can contribute to the development of ankle stability in snowboarding. Snowboard boots may not provide the same level of ankle support as longboard shoes. By applying the concept of bracing the ankles at a right angle when carving or stopping on a longboard, snowboarders can transfer this technique to snowboarding. This improves stability and helps prevent slipping out of the boots, particularly during toeside carves.


Is Snowboarding Like Longboarding?

Longboarding and snowboarding are both board sports that offer similar experiences but have some key differences. Here, we’ll explore some frequently asked questions to help you understand the similarities and differences between the two.

Is snowboarding harder than longboarding?

Longboarding is generally considered more accessible than snowboarding, as it doesn’t require snow or a lot of equipment. Longboarding can be easier to get started with for some individuals.

Which longboard is most like snowboarding?

Carver Skateboards are often considered to have similar characteristics to snowboards, with exceptional carving and turning abilities that provide a surf-like experience that translates well to snowboarding.

Is skateboarding or longboarding better than snowboarding?

Longboarding offers a closer feel to snowboarding compared to shortboard skateboarding. The longer length of a longboard more accurately simulates the balance required for turning and riding on a snowboard.

Is snowboarding easier than skateboarding?

If both sports were equally accessible, snowboarding might be slightly easier to pick up due to its more forgiving surface. However, because not everyone has access to snow and all the necessary gear, skateboarding is generally easier to get started with.

Does longboarding help with snowboarding?

Longboarding can be a helpful way to enhance your snowboarding skills as it enables you to practice turning and sliding through corners without the intense speeds and steep inclines of snowboarding.

Which longboard most resembles snowboarding?

The answer to this question depends on the type of snowboarding you prefer. Downhill longboards are ideal for learning snowboard tricks, while cruiser boards provide a smoother ride, similar to cruising down snowy hills.


Whether you prefer the adrenaline rush of snowboarding or the freedom of longboarding, both sports offer unique experiences and endless possibilities for fun and adventure. So, why choose one when you can have the best of both worlds?

Grab your board, hit the slopes or the streets, and let the thrill take you wherever you want to go. Embrace the ride, and let your passion carve the path to your own personal paradise!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.