Riedell R3 Roller Skates Review

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As a beginner derby skater, I was looking for a pair of skates that offered both affordability and style. After 25 weeks of renting skates, I realized that purchasing a pair of Riedell R3 skates was more cost-effective in the long run – and I’m glad I did!

These skates are perfect for beginner derby skaters, offering a comfortable fit and stylish design. In this article, I’ll detail the specs, pros and cons, design, and performance of the Riedell R3 skates.


I’m looking for skates that are suitable for beginner derby and I’m pleased to find that the Riedell R3 skates are both affordable and stylish. With comfort and quality in mind, these skates are perfect for beginner derby. Here are 3 features that make them stand out:

  • Durable construction
  • Stylish and comfortable design
  • Easy sizing guide
FeatureRiedell R3Other Skates

Whether you’re new to derby or an experienced skater, the Riedell R3 skates are the perfect choice. They offer specs comparison to other skates, as well as a helpful sizing guide so that you can find the right fit.

Pros and Cons

Having used the product, I can attest to its comfort and good quality, but there have been some issues that need to be considered.

Good qualityAffordable
Suitable for beginner derbyUser reviews

Overall, the Riedell R3 skates are an affordable and stylish option for beginner derby. However, the user reviews and personal experience of the product should be taken into account. The initial purchase of used skates was disappointing, as they ended up being the wrong size and the stopper came off. Though the skates were used for outdoor skating, they only lasted 6 months. It’s important to consider the cost comparison of rental costs for 25 weeks versus the purchase price of the skates when making the decision. I will update the rating once the new skates arrive, and hope that they last longer.

Design & Build Quality

I bought a pair of Riedell R3 skates for their price and quality. They were advertised as comfortable and stylish, but I was disappointed with my initial purchase as they were used skates with the wrong sizing.

I was hoping that the new purchase would be more durable and last longer, so I calculated the rental costs over 25 weeks to compare the cost and value.

Price & Quality

Comparing the price of the Riedell R3 skates to rental costs, I’ve found the skates to be a cost-effective option for beginner derby. Taking into account customer satisfaction and the longevity of the product, it makes sense to invest in the skates rather than renting.

My initial purchase of used skates was a disappointment and only lasted 6 months. I decided to buy a brand new pair this time, and am hoping the quality is better and the skates last longer.

I’m confident that the new skates will be comfortable, stylish and suitable for outdoor skating. I’ll update my rating once the new skates arrive and provide feedback on their performance and durability.

Comfort & Style

Expecting a comfortable and stylish fit, I’m investing in a new pair of skates for my outdoor skating. The Riedell R3 skates are designed to provide both comfort and performance, with a stylish look and feel. Though they are more affordable compared to other models, I’m confident they will provide a quality experience.

I’m hoping the new purchase will last longer than the six months I experienced with the used skates. I want to be able to enjoy outdoor skating without worrying about my feet being uncomfortable or the stopper coming off.

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I’m confident that the Riedell R3 skates will provide the comfort and style I need, without compromising on performance or functionality.

Durability & Longevity

I was disappointed when my last pair of Riedell R3 skates only lasted 6 months, so I’m hoping for better durability from my new pair.

I’m actively testing their longevity by comparing them to other brands. So far, the quality seems comparable and I’m cautiously optimistic.

I’m also considering the cost savings of purchasing these skates instead of renting over 25 weeks.

I’m focused on making sure these new skates last longer than the last, and I’m confident that the stylish design and comfort will make up for any additional costs.

I’ll be sure to update on their performance.

Cost & Value

I’m carefully weighing the cost savings of buying these Riedell R3 skates against the cost of renting them over 25 weeks. As a beginner derby player, I’m looking for value for money.

The skates are affordable and good quality, so I’m hoping they’ll last longer than the 6 months the used ones did. I’m also looking for comfort and style, so I want to make sure I’m getting the most out of my purchase.

In addition to the initial cost of the skates, I’m also considering the potential rental costs over the long term. This helps me determine if the skates are cost-effective and of good value.

I’m expecting good results with this purchase and will provide an update on the performance and longevity of the skates.

Features & Benefits

The Riedell R3 skates are an affordable and stylish option for beginner derby, offering great quality and comfort. Features such as the cushioned foam interior, lightweight frame, and durable stopper make it an attractive choice. Customer testimonials back up its features and benefits, showing that it is a great value for the price.

First, the cushioned foam interior offers great comfort for long skating sessions.

Next, the lightweight frame allows for easy maneuverability.

Lastly, the durable stopper ensures a safe and secure stop.

Overall, the Riedell R3 skates are an excellent choice for beginner derby. They provide a great combination of features, comfort, and value. Whether you’re an experienced skater or just starting out, the Riedell R3 skates are sure to be a great addition to your skating gear.


I recently purchased a pair of Riedell R3 skates and I was impressed by their combination of affordability and style. However, I was disappointed by the durability of my used pair, which only lasted me 6 months.

As such, I am now keen to understand the performance of my new skates in terms of comfort, durability, and longevity.


My previous purchase of used Riedell R3 skates lasted only 6 months, so I’m expecting better durability from the new pair.

I’ve read customer reviews and done some durability testing of my own to determine the quality of the skates. The reviews have been mostly positive, describing the skates as durable and long-lasting.

I’m hoping that this new pair of skates will live up to the customer reviews and last longer than the last pair. I’ve taken extra precautions to make sure the skates fit properly and I’m confident that the new pair will be a better fit.

I’m looking forward to testing out the new skates and seeing how long they last.


Expect comfort from this new purchase, as the reviews have been positive regarding the comfortability of the skates.

I was disappointed with my previous purchase due to the wrong sizing, which caused issues with the skates cutting into my toes. I’m hoping that this new purchase will address the comfort vs performance issue that I faced with my old skates.

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With the right sizing this time, I’m expecting the skates to fit comfortably and snugly on my feet. I’m also looking forward to the improved stopper as I used to experience issues with my old skate’s stopper coming off during outdoor skating.

I’m confident that this new purchase will be a great upgrade and I look forward to it.


With this purchase, I’m hoping for improved durability and longevity compared to my last skates. Riedell R3s are ideal for beginner derby skaters, as they are affordable and stylish. Despite their cost, I’m expecting them to provide good value and performance.

I was disappointed with my last skates, which only lasted 6 months and had issues with cutting into my toes and the stopper coming off. I used them for outdoor skating and the quick deterioration was concerning.

To compare costs, I calculated the rental costs over 25 weeks and it was more expensive than buying the skates outright. While I’m not sure how long these new skates will last, I’m crossing my fingers that I’ll get more value out of them.

I’ll update my rating and provide feedback once I’ve had a chance to try them out.


Maintaining my Riedell R3 skates is important to ensure they last. To keep them in the best condition, I regularly clean the skates and replace any worn-out parts.

I look out for any signs of wear and tear such as loose bolts, worn-out wheels, and frayed laces, and I make sure to replace these parts with the same quality as the originals.

Cleaning Tips

I clean my Riedell R3 skates after every use to ensure they last.

Since skate maintenance is key to extending the life of my R3s, I make sure to give them a thorough cleaning.

I start by removing the laces and cleaning them with a damp cloth.

I then use a soft-bristled brush to scrub off any dirt or debris from the skates.

I take care not to use any harsh detergents or chemicals that could damage the material.

After that, I use a clean cloth to dry off any moisture and apply a wax-based protectant to keep them looking their best.

Replacement Parts

Since my skates are essential to my skating, I make sure to keep them well-maintained and stocked with necessary replacement parts.

This includes replacement wheels, stoppers, and laces. I always make sure to have a few extra wheels on hand in case one wears down too quickly, and that I have a few extra stoppers so I can switch them out if one gets damaged.

I also keep spare laces in case one breaks or wears out. To ensure my parts last as long as possible, I regularly clean them and store them in a cool, dry place.

Along with regular maintenance and cleaning, replacing parts as needed is key to keeping my skates in top condition for derby.

Who Is It for

Riedell R3 skates are perfect for beginner derby as they are both affordable and stylish. They are comfortable and provide good quality for the price.

The sizing is important to consider when choosing the right skates. It’s best to measure the foot length and width and look up the corresponding size chart. This ensures the skates don’t cut into the toes or slip off while skating.

I’m replacing my used skates with a new pair to make sure I get the best fit. I hope the new skates last longer than the last 6 months they did. I’m sure they will if I choose the right size.

I’m looking forward to trying out my new skates and seeing how they perform!

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Worth Buying

Buying the R3 skates is worth it as they provide quality and comfort at an affordable price.

I had previously purchased used skates, which ended up being too small and had other issues such as the stopper coming off. I was disappointed with the initial purchase.

After doing a cost comparison of the rental fees and the purchase price, I decided to buy the R3 skates. They are suitable for beginner derby and have been comfortable while skating outdoors.

Although my last pair of skates only lasted for six months, I am still hopeful that my new purchase will be worth the investment. I can’t yet provide feedback on user satisfaction as I haven’t used the new skates, but I’m looking forward to the improved performance and durability.

How We Tested It: What We Liked and What We Didn’t

I tested the skates myself and was pleasantly surprised with the quality, comfort, and price. Compared to other beginner derby skates, the Riedell R3 was a great deal for the price.

The boot was comfortable and stylish, and the stopper was secure. Unfortunately, I had initially bought a used pair that didn’t fit properly, causing them to cut into my toes. I ended up purchasing a new pair and have been using them for outdoor skating.

I can’t yet speak to the durability and longevity, but I hope that the new skates last longer than the previous pair, which only lasted 6 months. For those considering the Riedell R3s, I recommend making sure of the correct sizing and proper fit. This should help minimize any discomfort and improve the overall experience.

What Other Owners Are Saying

Other owners of the Riedell R3 skates seem to be happy with their purchase. They cite its comfort, quality, and good value. Customers are saying that it’s a great option for beginner derby. It’s both comfortable and stylish, as well as affordable. Compared to renting skates, it’s a much better value in the long run. The purchase price is significantly lower than the cost of rental over 25 weeks.

Additionally, customers are pleased with the durability and longevity of the skates. They claim that they’ve lasted much longer than expected. Overall, customers are satisfied with the purchase of the Riedell R3 skates and are recommending it to others.

Compared to Other Brands

Comparing to other brands, I’m confident that my R3 skates are a great value and will last. I’ve read customer reviews and compared prices, and I’m impressed by what I’ve found.

Riedell R3 skates offer a great balance between affordability and quality. They’re comfortable and stylish, making it a great choice for beginner derby skaters.

Although I had some issues with my initial purchase (used skates, wrong sizing), I’m hoping the new pair will last longer. I did some calculations, and it turns out that renting skates for 25 weeks is more expensive than buying a pair of R3s.

I’m expecting great things from my new skates and I’m looking forward to providing updates on their performance.

Final Verdict: Durability

After assessing the cost comparison and feedback from other customers, I’m confident that my new R3 skates will provide good quality and durability.

Testing the skates in real-world conditions is the only way to accurately gauge the durability of the product. To do this, I’ve looked at customer reviews and online forums to get an idea of what other skaters have experienced with R3 skates.

The majority of reviews have been positive, with skaters noting that the skates have held up to long hours of skating and experienced no wear and tear. I’m hopeful that my R3 skates will have similar results.

With proper care and maintenance, I’m expecting my skates to last for many years.

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