How To Pop A Longboard

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Welcome to the exhilarating world of longboarding where the art of popping is an essential skill. As someone who has delved into the intricacies of this thrilling sport firsthand, I’m excited to share insights on how to pop a longboard. From mastering techniques to understanding the nuances of board dynamics, join me on this journey as we explore the mechanics behind achieving that perfect pop, enabling riders to elevate their skills and experiences on the pavement.

Whether you’re a beginner looking to start or an experienced rider aiming to refine your technique, let’s dive into the mechanics of this fundamental move and unlock the potential for incredible rides ahead.

How To Pop A Longboard

What You Need to Pop a Longboard

Before you start learning how to pop a longboard, it’s important to gather the necessary equipment to ensure your safety and a smooth ride. Here’s what you need:

  1. Safety Gear: Before attempting any tricks, prioritize your safety. Wear a helmet to protect your head, and make sure to equip yourself with knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards for added protection.
  2. Skate Shoes: Regular sneakers may not provide the grip and support you need while longboarding. Invest in a pair of skate shoes specifically designed for longboarding. These shoes have durable, shock-absorbing soles that provide better board control and are reinforced in areas prone to wear and tear.
  3. Your Longboard: Your longboard is the most essential tool for popping tricks. Make sure it’s in good condition with a sturdy deck, reliable trucks, and quality wheels. A heavy-duty deck ensures durability, while the right trucks and wheels are crucial for executing tricks smoothly.
  4. Proper Foot Placement: Foot placement plays a significant role in popping a longboard. For most tricks, place your leading foot slightly behind the front bolts. Your back foot will follow suit, with the toes angled slightly toward the tail. Experiment with different stances to find what works best for you.
  5. Practice and Patience: Popping a longboard requires practice and patience. Start with basic tricks and gradually progress to more advanced maneuvers. Take your time to build your skills and confidence.

By having the right safety gear, skate shoes, and a well-maintained longboard, you’ll be on your way to popping tricks and enjoying the exciting world of longboarding. Remember to prioritize safety, practice regularly, and have fun while pushing your limits.

Practice Basic Pop Tricks

One of the fundamental skills every longboarder should master is the pop trick. This versatile maneuver not only adds flair to your longboarding style but also enhances your overall control and balance. From beginners to advanced riders, practicing basic pop tricks is a great way to build your skills and progress to more complex maneuvers.

Practice Basic Pop Tricks:

  1. Ghost Ride: Begin by placing your front foot diagonally across the deck, slightly behind the front bolts. Use your back foot to push and create momentum as you step off the board. While stepping off, simultaneously pop the board with your front foot by applying pressure and kicking it off the ground. After a brief moment, catch the board with your back foot and bring it back under you. This trick creates the illusion of the board riding by itself, adding a stylish element to your freestyle repertoire.
  2. Kickflip: Start with your feet in the same position as the ghost ride. As you pop the board with your front foot, flick your toes upwards to initiate the kickflip motion. Simultaneously, use your back foot to provide a vertical flick and flip the board. Make sure to keep your body over the board and spot the landing as the board completes the rotation. With practice, you’ll be able to smoothly execute this advanced trick and showcase your skills.
  3. Nose Manual: Position your feet with your front foot just below the front bolts and your back foot placed closer to the tail. As you ride, shift your weight towards the front foot and lift the back wheels off the ground. Maintain balance and control by engaging your core muscles and keeping a steady distribution of weight over the front foot. This trick allows you to ride on only the front wheels of the board, adding a stylish flair to your longboarding repertoire.
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How to Ollie on a Longboard

To successfully execute an ollie on a longboard, it’s crucial to feel comfortable and confident on your board. Familiarize yourself with your longboard’s type and setup, ensuring it’s suitable for tricks. Once you’re ready, follow these steps to perform an ollie:

  1. Position: Stand on your longboard with your feet in an original stance, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Place your back foot on the tail of the board, while your front foot should be just behind the front bolts.
  2. Jump and Pop: Bend your knees and prepare to jump. As you jump, simultaneously pop the tail of the board with your back foot by applying pressure and slamming it down forcefully.
  3. Leveling Out and Getting Air: As you pop the board, slide your front foot upwards towards the nose of the board. This motion will level out the board and generate lift. Keep your eyes focused on the spot where you want to land.
  4. Maximizing Height: To achieve maximum height on your ollie, practice timing the pop and jump together. The quicker and more explosive the motion, the higher you’ll go. As you progress, experiment with different amounts of pressure and power in your pop.
  5. Mid-Air Control: While in the air, keep your board parallel to the ground by maintaining an even distribution of weight over both feet. This will help you maintain control and stability.
  6. Landing: As you descend, prepare to land by bending your knees slightly to absorb the impact. Land with both feet simultaneously to maintain stability.
  7. Absorbing the Impact: To minimize shock and maintain balance, absorb the impact with bent knees and engage your core muscles for stability.

Remember, practice makes perfect. Start with smaller ollies and gradually increase the difficulty level as you become more comfortable with the trick. With perseverance and dedication, you’ll master the ollie on your longboard and open up a world of possibilities for freestyle riding and advanced maneuvers.

Mastering the Nollie Trick on a Longboard:

The Nollie trick is an advanced trick that adds variety and style to your longboarding repertoire. It involves popping the front of the board off the ground using your front foot while keeping your back foot planted. Here’s how to master the Nollie trick:

  • Foot Placement: Start with your feet in an original stance, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your back foot should be on the tail of the board, while your front foot should be positioned just behind the front bolts.
  • Upper Body Movements: Bend your knees and prepare to jump. As you jump, simultaneously apply pressure to the front of the board with your front foot, forcefully popping the nose off the ground.
  • Timing: Timing is crucial for the Nollie trick. Coordinate the pop of the front foot with the jump, ensuring that the board lifts off the ground. Practice this motion repeatedly to get the timing just right.
  • Mid-Air Control: While in the air, keep your upper body centered and your eyes focused on the landing spot. Use your arms for balance and try to maintain an even distribution of weight over both feet.
  • Landing: As you descend, prepare to land by bending your knees slightly to absorb the impact. Simultaneously place both feet on the board to regain stability.
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Tips for Practicing and Perfecting the Nollie Trick:

  • Start by practicing the Nollie trick on a flat surface before attempting it on ramps or obstacles.
  • Focus on the timing and coordination between the pop and the jump.
  • Gradually increase the height and distance of your Nollie tricks as you become more comfortable.
  • Incorporate the Nollie trick into your freestyle routines, transitions, and lines for a more dynamic longboarding experience.

Mastering the Nollie trick takes practice, patience, and perseverance. With time and dedication, this advanced trick can become a staple in your longboarding repertoire, allowing you to truly express your style and creativity.

Easy and Simple Steps to Pop a Longboard

Learning how to pop a longboard can add variety and style to your longboarding experience. While it may take some practice, mastering this trick is achievable with the right steps. Follow these easy and simple steps to pop a longboard:

1. Position your Feet Properly:

  • Start by positioning your back foot in the middle of the tail, giving you leverage and momentum.
  • Place your front foot in the middle of the deck for optimal balance and control.

2. Apply the Right Force and Pressure:

  • With your feet in the correct position, quickly apply weight to the tail of your board.
  • Apply force and pressure to gain the momentum needed to get you off the ground.

3. Jump as your Board Strikes the Ground:

  • As soon as the back of your board strikes the ground, start jumping.
  • The force from your back foot on the tail will cause the front of the board to elevate at a diagonal angle.
  • Slide your front foot up swiftly as your board rises, allowing it to rest against the nose.

4. Prepare for Landing:

  • Once you are airborne and parallel to the ground, ensure your back foot rests on the truck bolts at the back of the board.
  • Position your front foot on the truck bolts at the front for proper balance.

5. Bend your Knees as your Board Strikes the Ground:

  • As your board strikes the ground, allow yourself to squat by bending your knees.
  • This reduces the impact and prevents your board from being thrown off upon landing.

6. Practice is Key:

  • Popping a longboard takes practice and perseverance.
  • Make it a part of your regular longboarding routine and keep trying until you get it right.
  • Remember to protect yourself with safety gear during practice and be prepared for wipeouts and bad landings.

By following these easy and simple steps, you can master the art of popping a longboard. Practice regularly and be patient with yourself as you improve your skills. Enjoy the thrill and excitement of popping your longboard with style and confidence!

Professional Tips To Pop A Longboard:

If you want to take your longboarding skills to the next level, learning how to pop a longboard is an essential trick to master. Follow these professional tips to improve your ollie and add style to your longboarding maneuvers.

1. Get Your Foot Placement Right:

  • Place your back foot in the middle of the tail, providing leverage and momentum.
  • Position your front foot in the middle of the deck, ensuring optimal balance and control.
  • Keep your shoulders aligned with the nose and tail of your board for better control and landings.

2. Apply Force and Pressure:

  • Apply quick and strong force with your back foot onto the tail of your longboard.
  • This will generate the necessary momentum to lift the front of your board off the ground.
  • Leverage your body weight to increase the pop and height of your ollie.
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3. Timing is Crucial

  • Jump as your board strikes the ground after applying force to the tail.
  • The timing is crucial to achieve maximum elevation.
  • Swiftly slide your front foot up as the board rises, positioning it against the nose.

4. Maintain Proper Balance

  • Once in the air, ensure your back foot rests on the truck bolts at the back of the board.
  • Position your front foot on the truck bolts at the front to maintain balance.
  • Keep your body aligned with the longboard for stability during the trick.

5. Land Smoothly

  • Prepare for landing by bending your knees as your board strikes the ground.
  • This reduces the impact and prevents your board from being thrown off balance.
  • Aim for a smooth and controlled landing to maintain your momentum.

6. Practice Consistently

  • Popping a longboard takes time and practice to perfect.
  • Incorporate popping into your regular longboarding routine to build confidence and skills.
  • Don’t be discouraged by wipeouts or bad landings—persevere and keep practicing until you achieve smooth and high ollies.


What does “popping” a longboard mean?

Popping a longboard refers to executing an ollie-like movement, leveraging the tail of the board to create lift off the ground. It involves pressing down on the tail and using your feet to snap the board’s tail against the ground, propelling the board and the rider upwards.

Do all longboards have the capability to be popped?

While various longboards possess tails, not all are designed for popping. Boards with a pronounced tail and suitable flexibility tend to be more conducive to popping due to their ability to generate sufficient snap and lift.

What are the essential steps to pop a longboard?

The basic steps involve shifting your weight to the back foot, compressing and then quickly releasing the tail of the board by applying pressure to the tail with your foot, while simultaneously sliding your front foot forward to level the board.

Are there specific techniques to improve my popping skills?

Practice is key. Start by mastering weight distribution and timing. Additionally, refining the snap of your tail, along with coordinated foot movements, will enhance your popping technique. Incorporating these elements gradually and consistently will improve your skills.

Can popping a longboard be used for tricks or is it solely for gaining height?

Popping can be utilized for various tricks and maneuvers. Apart from gaining height, it enables riders to perform tricks like manuals, shove-its, and kickflips, adding versatility and creativity to their riding style.

Does the type of terrain or surface affect the ability to pop a longboard?

Yes, the surface does play a role. A smooth and flat surface provides better traction and facilitates a more effective pop. However, with practice, riders can adapt to different terrains, adjusting their technique accordingly to achieve a successful pop.


Learning how to pop a longboard is not only a thrilling skill to master, but it also opens up a world of endless possibilities for adventure and fun. So grab your board, find your balance, and get ready to soar down the streets with a newfound sense of freedom.

Remember, the key to popping a longboard is practice and perseverance, so don’t be afraid to push yourself and embrace the exhilaration that comes with each successful pop. Now, go out there and ride like the wind!

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