How Much Does A Hoverboard Weigh: A Complete Guide

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Hoverboards, which are also referred to as self-balancing scooters, vary in weight depending on their design and intended use. On average, a hoverboard weight around 25 pounds, which makes them relatively easy for an adult to carry. However, this weight may not be suitable for children.

If you’re looking for the lightest hoverboard for a child, you might want to consider one that weighs around 17.5 pounds. On the other hand, if you’re a heavier individual or want to use your hoverboard off-road, the heaviest hoverboard could weigh 30 pounds or more.

Different hoverboards are designed for specific users and with certain needs in mind, which is why they vary so much in size and weight. If you’re looking for a compact personal electric transport device for your day-to-day commute, or something more powerful and suitable for recreational purposes, a hoverboard could be a great fit for you. With an estimated global market value of 3.12 billion U.S. dollars, hoverboards are fast becoming a popular choice for personal electric transport.

How Much Does A Hoverboard Weigh

How Much Do Hoverboards Weigh in Kg?

Converting pounds to kilograms can be a daunting task, especially if math isn’t your strong suit. However, you don’t have to worry as we’ve done the conversion for you.

The lightest hoverboards available in the market weigh approximately 8 kilograms or 17.5 pounds. On average, hoverboards weigh around 11 kilograms or 25 pounds. If you’re looking for a heavyweight hoverboard, then you should consider models that are 13.6 kilograms or 30 pounds plus.

Knowing the weight of the hoverboard is crucial for ensuring a safe and smooth riding experience. So, make sure to check the weight of the hoverboard before making a purchase.

What Features Affect Hoverboard Weight?

Hoverboard weight can be influenced by several features apart from the size of its wheels. One of these is the hoverboard size. Choosing a hoverboard that is either too small or too big can be hazardous since it will be difficult to control. Buyers should select a size that is suitable for their height to avoid the possibility of injuring themselves.

Another feature that can contribute to the weight of a hoverboard is the extra features it possesses. Although features such as Bluetooth speakers and LEDs do not add much weight, they tend to increase the board’s overall weight when combined. These features are optional, so buyers can opt out of them when selecting a hoverboard to suit their taste and preference.

Materials used to build a hoverboard can also affect its weight. ABS plastic is the lightest material, but it is not as durable as other materials. Hoverboards built with high-quality materials like aluminum and magnesium alloy tend to be weightier but are more durable and long-lasting.

Hoverboard battery size and motor size also affect weight, but reducing their size will inevitably impact the hoverboard’s performance, reducing its capacity for heavy riders and different terrains.

Why Hoverboard Weight is Important

The importance of hoverboard weight goes beyond just the number on the scale. It affects the overall riding experience, especially how it responds to the rider’s movements. A heavier board requires more force to respond and may pose control issues for lighter riders, especially when turning.

The weight of a hoverboard is a crucial factor that can determine its performance quality. If a board is heavy, it may suggest that it has a fast motor with a longer range. Conversely, if a heavy board is slow, it suggests that the right components have not been added to it. Thus, the weight of the board may indicate the quality of its components.

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Heavier hoverboards tend to move faster and gain more speed, especially when going down mild hills, due to their increased momentum. Thus, it is essential to consider the weight of the hoverboard when purchasing to ensure that it meets your needs and preferences for a fun and safe riding experience.

What Size Hoverboard Should I Buy?

When finding the right hoverboard for yourself, the question of which size you should buy is often asked. However, the answer is not as simple due to the different factors associated with it.

Deciding which hoverboard size to buy often depends on two main factors: the person’s weight and where they plan on riding. A 6.5-inch wheel hoverboard is suitable for individuals who weigh up to 220 lbs and require smooth surfaces to ride on.

On the other hand, an off-road hoverboard with larger wheels may be suitable for rougher terrains. Furthermore, the wheel size of the hoverboard also plays a significant factor in its performance.

How Much Do You Weigh?

When choosing the appropriate hoverboard size, the rider’s weight plays a crucial factor. Heavier individuals should opt for a hoverboard that weighs more to support their weight. Hoverboards that have powerful motors are suitable for heavier riders as they can bear more weight and offer a smoother ride. On the other hand, the maximum weight limit of lighter hoverboards is only up to 220 lbs (100 kg), hence, they are not suitable for heavier individuals.

If you are a lighter individual, it is suggested that you opt for a hoverboard that weighs less. This is because controlling a heavier hoverboard could be challenging for you. Hoverboards with lightweight materials are easy to maneuver and accelerate.

Moreover, lighter hoverboards are suitable for children and beginners, providing them with ease of use and control. Overall, choosing the right hoverboard for your weight is essential for having a safe and enjoyable riding experience.

How Do You Intend To Use Your Hoverboard?

When considering the weight of a hoverboard, it’s important to think about how you plan on using it. Will you only ride it on smooth surfaces, or do you want to take it off-road through rough terrain? This will determine whether you need a lighter or heavier hoverboard.

If your main use for the hoverboard will be on smooth pavements, then a lighter hoverboard will be sufficient for you. However, if you plan on taking your hoverboard off-road, then a heavier hoverboard will perform better for you. This is due to their larger tires, stronger motors, and bigger batteries.

What is the Heaviest Hoverboard?

After conducting thorough research, the Swagtron Swagboard Outlaw T6 currently holds the title for the heaviest hoverboard in the market. This self-balancing scooter weighs a staggering 32 pounds, making it one of the few hoverboards that tip the scales to 30 pounds or more.

The T6 is specifically designed for off-road terrains, and its heavy weight contributes to its performance on rough surfaces. With 10-inch tires and a 300-watt motor, it is more powerful than most hoverboards in the market. In addition, it has a maximum weight capacity of up to 420 lbs, making it one of the few hoverboards that can accommodate heavier riders.

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Is There a Weight Limit When You Ride a Hoverboard?

As an expert in the field of hoverboards, it is crucial to understand that every hoverboard comes with a pre-determined weight limit. This limit should not be taken lightly, as it not only affects your safety but also the overall performance of your self-balancing scooter.

The average weight limit for hoverboards is around 220 pounds (100 kg), and it’s important to note that this limit can vary depending on the manufacturer and type of hoverboard. Therefore, as a responsible rider, it’s highly recommended to adhere to the specified weight limit for your board to ensure optimal performance.

Exceeding the weight limit can result in slower speeds, shorter battery life, and even potential damage to certain components of your hoverboard, which can lead to malfunction later on. So, for the best riding experience and to avoid any safety hazards, it’s essential to check your hoverboard’s weight limit before taking it for a spin, especially if you’re a heavier rider. Remember, safety always comes first!

What is the Minimum Weight For a Hoverboard?

When it comes to hoverboards, most models have a minimum weight requirement of around 44 pounds (20 kg). This is due to the way hoverboards operate. Specially designed sensors detect the weight of the rider and use that information to control movement and speed.

If a rider weighs less than the minimum requirement, they may experience shaking or vibrating while on the hoverboard. This is because the sensors are not in complete contact with the rider due to their lightweight. As a result, the motherboard is unable to decipher whether the sensors are being pushed or not.

For parents looking to purchase a hoverboard for their child, it’s important to take the minimum weight requirement into account. A lighter hoverboard may be more suitable for younger children, as they often weigh less and require less weight to function properly. In any case, it’s best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure the safe and optimal use of the hoverboard.

What if I’m Over the Recommended Hoverboard Weight Limit?

It is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s suggested hoverboard weight limit for the best and safest riding experience. Choosing a hoverboard suitable for your weight is highly recommended to prevent compromising your safety and risking damage to the board itself, such as the motor, battery, axle, or frame, which could potentially break in half on hitting a bump.

Being a few pounds over the recommended weight limit does not necessarily mean you can’t ride a hoverboard. However, the hoverboard may not operate at full capacity, slowing down or running less smoothly, and the battery may not last as long between charges. For the best ride, sticking to the manufacturer’s self-balancing scooter weight limit advice is always advised.

Fortunately, a wide range of hoverboards is available that can carry weight up to 380 lbs. It is essential to find the right hoverboard suitable for your weight to enjoy the ride thoroughly. While selecting a hoverboard, you should also consider the weight of anything you’re carrying, like a backpack or luggage, to prevent exceeding the recommended maximum weight capacity of the hoverboard.

Best Hoverboard for Heavy Adults

Looking for a hoverboard that can handle a heavier weight capacity? Look no further than the Swagtron T6! With a weight limit of 380 lbs, it’s the only hoverboard currently on the market that we recommend for heavier riders. This hoverboard is specifically designed to cater to the needs of those who need a little extra support and stability, making it a great choice for heavier adults.

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Not only can the Swagtron T6 handle more weight, but it also boasts powerful motors and sturdy wheels that can easily tackle rough terrains and off-road paths. Additionally, it features a longer ride time and faster maximum speed compared to other hoverboards, making it a reliable choice for those who live an active lifestyle. So if you’re looking for a heavy-duty hoverboard that won’t disappoint, the Swagtron T6 is worth considering!

Tips for Hoverboard Weight:

When it comes to hoverboards, the weight of the rider is an important consideration. To ensure a safe and enjoyable ride, it’s important to make sure you select a hoverboard that can accommodate your weight.

1. Read the Manual:

Before purchasing a hoverboard, always refer to the manufacturer’s website or the Amazon page to confirm that you meet the hoverboard’s weight requirements. This can prevent you from damaging the hoverboard and putting yourself in danger.

2. Consider Wheel Size:

Smaller wheel sizes have a lower weight capacity than larger ones. If you’re on the heavier side, consider looking for hoverboards with bigger wheels or opting for a ten-inch hoverboard to ensure that you are within the weight limit.

3. Slightly Over the Limit:

Hoverboards can still function properly if you exceed the weight limit by two to three pounds, but it may affect battery life and maximum speed.

4. Study the Specifications:

Along with the weight limits, it is crucial to review the hoverboard’s other specifications, such as speed and battery life, to ensure that you get the most out of your purchase. This information comes in handy, especially if parents are trying to buy a hoverboard for their child.

5. Sharing Hoverboards:

Be cautious when lending your hoverboard to someone as weight limits vary for different models. It’s best not to share your hoverboard if you are unsure of the weight range. Moreover, it’s essential to remember that adults sharing their hoverboards with children should be mindful of the weight limit.

6. Don’t Forget Your Stuff:

When assessing your weight, remember to take into account any items you’ll be carrying with you, such as backpacks or laptops. Hoverboards are not designed to transport heavy items, so it’s essential to stay within the hoverboard weight limit.


Can fat people ride hoverboards?

It is possible for individuals who weigh more than average to ride hoverboards, given that they choose a model that accommodates their weight. High weight capacity is a crucial factor in selecting a suitable hoverboard for heavier individuals.

How much does a Segway weigh?

The weight of a Segway hoverboard usually ranges around 30 pounds, and it may vary depending on the model of the hoverboard.


The weight of a hoverboard may seem like a small detail, but it can make a big difference when it comes to portability and maneuverability. Whether you’re looking for a lightweight option for easy transportation or a heavier model for added stability, there’s a hoverboard out there that will meet your needs. Just remember to always follow safety guidelines and enjoy the ride!

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Joseph E. Bogle

This is Joseph E. Bogle, the founder and lead writer of, an enthusiast of skating for over a decade. I'm an aggressive skater and certified skating coach, dedicated to sharing his knowledge and passion for skating with others through his blog. With my unique combination of personal experience and professional expertise, is a valuable resource for skaters of all levels, from beginners to advanced athletes.